Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Environmental Crime and Green Criminology

Natural Crime and Green Criminology The quick social, mechanical, political and natural improvement of the world we live in is nearly unbelievable. Every one of these progressions have made developing requests for merchandise and enterprises that can't be provided any longer by the normal economy and business administrations, yet the criminal economy must hop in. Moreover, new portability has expanded exchange, the travel industry, extension of the logical and social collaboration and substantially more. Outskirts are turning pale and getting unimportant. Everything has gone to the undreamed-of rate. However, sadly simultaneously this advancement has caused war, pice, and wrongdoing of remarkable extent (Moore and Fields, 2005). Natural wrongdoing speaks to one of such (inter)national issue that is becoming extremely quick and wide and as worried by Fields, Arrigo and Webb (2005), these wrongdoing issues are exceptionally perplexing according to those with whom criminologists were utilized to manage, as it will be demonstrated as follows. Similar criminology alludes to the efficient and hypothetically educated correlation regarding culpability (wrongdoing and wrongdoing patterns) in at least two nations (Howard, Newman and Pridemore, 2010). Relative investigations are significant for criminology, since they offer extraordinary potential for expanding the illustrative influence of criminological theories. [1] Furthermore, similar criminal equity considers diminish the colossal contrasts between crime percentages among various countries. [2] Although numerous creators (Shelley, 1981; Rokaw, Mercy and Smith, 1990; Hans-Gunther, Shelley and Kaoth, 1992) in the field of near criminal equity overviews expe ct that the objective of near criminology is just to test whether guarantees about wrongdoing causation stand up in the rich surface of social variety, Beirne and Nelken (1997) stress that the extent of near criminology is more extensive than the quest for the reasons for wrongdoing. It incorporates the investigation of transnational wrongdoing, the issues of sending out models of wrongdoing control to different nations and the manner in which the perspectives on criminologists are themselves impacted by their societies in the inquiry of clarifications of wrongdoing. Moreover, Bennett and Lynch (1990: 153) express that cross-national investigations of wrongdoing (criminal equity) issues assume a significant job in building hypothesis and controlling open approach. The last one increasingly more frequently depends on the logical overview results and discoveries, with the goal of bringing the correct choice about the open related wrongdoing issues. Neuman and Berger (1998: 300-301) contend that similar criminology is tormented by a break among hypothesis and examination. In this way, the various degrees of hypothetical clarifications should be investigated with information that all the while utilize factors at the relevant and individual levels. Quantitative examinations must be supplemented by inside and out verifiable exploration so as to look at the particular procedures happening inside countries. Quantitative cross-national examinations with total information are proper to assess elective viewpoints yet it is imperative to be express about the methatheoretical presumptions fundamental such exploration. Beirne and Messeschmidt (1995) caution that whenever referenced conditions are not satisfied, studies will multiply with activities of check and adulteration of various center range speculations without a combined improvement of hypothetical information. As called attention to by Meã… Â ¡ko (2008: 31), the issues about the development of wrongdoing and wrongdoing arrangements among nations and societies and examination between nations are significant. As indicated by this it is significant who are the transporters of these progressions and examinations, and besides the exchange of information, thoughts and ideas itself and their comprehension and execution in a general public. The reason for relative investigations of wrongdoing and criminal equity is to know the effect of social, political, monetary and different consequences for the distinctions in mentalities towards wrongdoing, law authorization reaction to infringement of laws wrongdoing and criminality. [3] The near criminology empowers this. Various creators (Beirne and Hill, 1991, Fields and Moore, 1996; Wardak and Sheptycki, 2005, Reichel, 2008) characterize similar criminology as the orderly investigation of wrongdoing, law and social management in at least two soci eties, taking note of that this part of criminology has been disregarded before. Similar criminology with the help in the criminal equity framework and studies permits an examination of wrongdoing and related marvels between at least two nations. By applying this strategy, criminologists attempt to recognize the similitudes and contrasts in wrongdoing designs between various societies. In a perfect world, it is important to test the hypothesis in the same number of various potential conditions. Howard and Newman (2001) focused on that in the most recent decade criminologists understood that most of the current criminal legitimate hypotheses are restricted uniquely to a couple of western nations. In the last time frame this circumstance is gradually changing, as the criminologists, confronted with increasing crime percentages, felt a solid need to share and trade the encounters and gain from one another. Reichel (2008: 30) calls attention to that at doing the examinations between nat ions one needs to concentrate on the changing crime percentages and give a brought together definition, detailing and recording or keeping of wrongdoing insights; in any case the outcomes are not agent, substantial and valuable. Albeit numerous hypothetical, methodological, and philosophical issues unquestionably have hounded relative criminology since its beginning, Howard, Newman and Pridemore (2010) stress that this field of examination is at present in a condition of quick extension. Beirne (1983) cautions that any genuine relative examination of wrongdoing must defy the dependability of data about crime percentages and exploitation. Like all multifaceted examinations, relative criminology is assailed with challenges about what to think about, how and for what reason. Guarantee and the risks of relative criminology are everything except for unimportant, on the grounds that this type of criminological examination faces extra obstructions of issues, which every single social clarification face. Since the meaning of wrongdoing is regular and on the grounds that it relies upon contrasts between frameworks of criminal equity, the specialized and theoretical hindrances to looking at crime percentages and clarifying the reasons for criminal conduct relatively are unquestionably genuine. Furthermore, again and again, new inquiries spring up, for example, Is the significance of criminal conduct steady across various legitimate frameworks and societies? How far would we be able to hazard clarifications of ecological wrongdoing, which maintain a strategic distance from reference to importance? What amount of dependability would it be a good idea for us to join to wrongdoing information from various social orders that are assembled by the police or by exploitation reviews? and so on. In 1987 Michalowski and Kramer led a similar criminal equity (criminological) concentrate in the field of natural wrongdoing. Back in 1980s they saw the noteworthy development of transnational partnerships in the Third World. Since in many creating countries lawful power over corporate infringement against nature didn't develop equivalently these organizations connected legitimately in an assortment of harmful activities that would have been perceived as infringement of criminal administrative, or common law in their nations of origin. As indicated by Michalowski and Kramer (1987) the distinctions in the laws of home/nations of root and host nations, and the capacity of transnational companies to impact the lawful atmosphere in the host nations renders the laws inferred at the degree of country expresses an unsuitable reason for deciding the extent of criminological exploration on transnational corporate (natural) crime. [4] Similar instances of developments are known likewise in Europe, in Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and so on.) and in the Balkan Region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and so forth.). Some West European and other remote organizations moved the vast majority of their creation to these creating nations with the explanation of sensible creation costs, in spite of the fact that the second (covered up) purpose behind such choice was and still is less limited natural assurance legislation.â [5]â Bennett and Lynch (1990: 176) made an examination of cross-national wrongdoing markers and found out that the specific use, to which information are put, will influence the equivalence and dependability of the engaging insights produced. In this regard they include that for studies centered accumulated depiction or the clarification of change in wrongdoing across countries (aside from crime) or potentially across time, the selection of informational collection should be dictated by the general dependability of the information (for example assorted variety of included countries; the openness of the information; courses of events and culmination of the data). Moreover, Beirne and Lynch (1990) caution that Interpol informational collections are insufficient and temperamental and thusly not proper for near cross-national reviews. When discussing the universal informational indexes it should be added that one must be cautious when utilizing information from various global associations inf ormational indexes, for example, United Nations, World Health Organization, Interpol, Europol and so forth., since they can separate without question. On the opposite side, as expressed by Benne and Lynch (1990: 178), devoted information assortment frameworks, for example, exploitation reviews, offer more prominent potential for giving the information expected to clear cross-sectional exploration purposes. The best case of similar cross-national study is the International Crime Survey (ICS), where philosophy in every single taking an interest nation is equivalent, which implies that consequences of directed correlations are dependable and helpful. Howard, Newman and Pridemore (2010) characteristic a few objectives of relative examination in criminology, from which some are clear uses of t

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How Community based schools work :: essays papers

How Community based schools work Network schools are associations among open and private associations. The school turns into a center for the network. These schools encourage understudies as well as give access to administrations families needs. â€Å"It’s joining of scholastics and administrations prompts improved understudy learning, more grounded families and more beneficial communities† (Blank, Heifets, Shah, and Nissani, 2004, p. 155). Network based schools use organizations to assemble network agreement and carryout programs that would regularly not be accessible to the network. For instance, network schools give an attire storage room, crisis food, directing, and constrained human services for families (Blank et al., 2004). Conversely, government funded schools progress in the direction of instructing understudies, offer types of assistance, for example, school lunch programs, access to a school medical caretaker and custom curriculum programs. To show the contrasts between Community Based Schools and Public Schools, I will utilize St Paul, Minnesota and Harford County, Maryland for instance. Holy person Paul, Minnesota presently has three network base schools. In 2001, the all out understudy enlistment in St. Paul, Minnesota was 45,011 (The Minneapolis Foundation, 2005). The segment separate is as per the following. St. Paul, Minnesota is as per the following: 901 American Indian/Alaskan Native, 13,953 Asian/Pacific Islander, 10,802 African American, 14,854 Caucasian, and 4,501 Hispanic. Note: the Minneapolis Foundation refered to socioeconomics as a rate. These rates were changed over to entire numbers for examination reason. There were 40,200 students enlistment in Harford County government funded schools for 2004 (Maryland Report Card, Harford County 2004). The segment breakdown in Harford County state funded schools is as per the following: 215 American Indian/Alaskan Native, 925 Asian/Pacific Islander, 6,571 African American, 31,402 Caucasian and 1,087 Hispanic (Maryland Report Card, Harford County 2004). Note: since schools infrequently give singular segment numbers, province state funded school socioeconomics were utilized. While the financial years are extraordinary, the understudy populace is practically identical in size. â€Å"The segment populace of network schools are a lot of equivalent to government funded schools since network schools are improved state funded schools and don't dismiss any understudies dependent on ability† (Official, Coalition for Community schools, individual correspondence, April 26, 2005). Network schools are supported in a few different ways. Numerous people group schools get awards from generous association, for example, Carnegie Corp., Charles Stewart Mott establishment, and Knowledge Works to give some examples. Extra subsidizing is given by the Department of Education. Overall, the office gives schools $250,000 in assets to help the No Child Left behind (NCLB) act.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Sample Job Interview Thank You Letter Tips and Example

Sample Job Interview Thank You Letter Tips and Example You took the time and came up with a killer resume and cover letter.You even went a notch higher and aced that interview â€" a well pressed suit, best hair day, perfect scent and you answered the questions with such confidence you felt like James Bond.You saw it all in the eyes of the hiring managers on the interview panel. They were amazed!Now all that’s left is to sit back, relax and wait for that appointment letter. Right?Wrong!There’s something else that you need to do.Of course, your resume, cover letter and flawless answers in the interview room should set you apart from the other candidates, but you’ll be at a vantage point if you do one more thing.What’s the magic bullet?Following up the interview with a perfect thank you letter.This letter could give you the edge that you need to break the tie with your closest competitor so it could mean the difference between getting the job and getting regret mail. This is because in addition to showing that you are a courteous in dividual, it shows that you are genuinely interested and committed to getting the job.You can also use it to give a gentle nudge to your prospective employers if you haven’t received an update in a while.Depending on your situation and the available means of reaching out, the thank you letter can be a physical formal letter, a quick note or an email sent out to your hiring manager. Although it won’t make them hire you for a position you are not qualified for, it creates a positive impression of you in the eyes of hiring managers. So your interview doesn’t really end until this letter is sent.The important thing to remember is that this letter is simply not just a formality that should be done to check off all items on a checklist. It can be a powerful weapon when you follow the right approach. You don’t know how many candidates your hiring manager spoke to, so you should do everything you can to be memorable.Since a very small fraction of the applicants receive invitations t o interview, and usually only one will get a job offer, it’s important to do all you can to be the one. WHY YOU SHOULD SEND A JOB INTERVIEW THANK YOU LETTERHere are a few reasons:It is good manners. Right from elementary school, we were taught to say thank you whenever someone does good to us. Your interviewers took time off their schedules to listen to you and that’s a good enough reason to say thank you.The second reason has a direct benefit to your job application. By sending a good thank you letter after the interview, you’ll be getting your name in front of your competitors one last time before the hiring decision is made. You can use this chance to leave a positive impression on your hiring managers and that will increase your chances of getting the job.I hate to break it to you, but sending a thank you letter is no longer an option. It’s an expectation. Why is that? There are employers out there who think less of candidates who don’t send thank you letters after interviews. To be fair, there is also a good number of others whose hiring decision won’t be affected by whe ther or not you sent a thank you letter. Unfortunately, you can’t tell when the letter could give you an edge, but we do know for sure that sending it has no negative effects on your application.It will only take a few minutes. Think back from the time you first heard about the job opening. How much time have you put in to get to where you are now? At least, you have spent a number of hours combined. Would you like all this work to go to waste just because of something that will only take a few minutes to do?A thank you note doesn’t only say thank you. You can use it as a tool to show that you really want to work for the company. It also gives a gentle nudge to the employer to get back. Here’s an example: “Thanks for chatting with me on Tuesday about the Web Developer job at ABC. I was particularly thankful for your description of the new user portal that ABC is planning to roll out next year. I’m excited to learn more.”It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile. According to a report by Monster, a thank you letter tells the interviewer that you are willing to do what it takes to get the job. Instead of promising them heaven in the interview room and looking desperate, you could show them with your actions by actually going the extra mile. Besides, if you can’t take the extra step to get the job, who knows how you’ll be six months in after you are hired?A job interview thank you letter may not give you a job that you are not qualified for, but it will tip the scale in your favor. Imagine you are a hiring manager and you have narrowed down the search to two candidates. Both of them are qualified for the position, experienced and they look passionate and promising. However, only one of them sends a thank you letter. Which candidate are you likely to go with? You will agree with me that the one who took time to say thank you looks more attractive.By now you must be convinced that a job interview thank you letter is a must for every intervi ew that you attend. Let’s now move forward and look at some common pitfalls to ensure that you are doing it right.MISTAKES TO AVOID IN YOUR JOB INTERVIEW THANK YOU LETTERA job interview thank you letter is an important part of your job application. Don’t take it as just another formality that is done because most people do it. Here are some mistakes to look out for when working on your thank you letter:Don’t make excuses. No matter how bad the interview went, don’t use the thank you letter to explain your mistakes or apologize for anything that didn’t go as planned. Instead, focus on the good things that happened in the meeting. Even if the interview went wrong, this will get them going on reasons why they should hire you and who knows? They could choose to overlook the flaws when they remember the good parts.Don’t send the same letter to different interviewers. Let’s assume you interacted with three different people in the interview and you intend to send a thank you letter to all three of them. Drafting just one letter and only changing their names won’t give you a big advantage. If you want to really impress your interviewers, take time and personalize the message for every recipient. Take their name during the interview and be sure to mention something that the person shared during the interview.Don’t oversell yourself. The letter is intended to show gratitude so avoid statements that sound too salesy. Statements like “This job is perfect for my background” should not be seen. Instead, show your excitement about the possibility of applying your skills in projects that were mentioned in the interview.Avoid aggressive requests. Mentioning that you will be calling to ask about the status of your application in a few days or weeks won’t work in your favor. It will only show your desperation. It’s okay to make a follow-up call at the end of the window given by the employer during the interview. However, you don’t have to mention it i n the thank you letter.Don’t include references unless you have been asked for them. Although sometimes employers will ask you to send a list of references after the interview, they are not always required. Sending the list distracts from the primary aim of the letter which is to show your gratitude and interest in the job.Avoid talking about reimbursements or remuneration in the interview. Even if you were promised some reimbursement for your interviewing expenses and you have not received any, don’t mention that in the thank you letter. Instead, focus on delivering your gratitude and standing out.With that out of the way, let’s look at what your thank you letter should have.VITAL ELEMENTS OF A JOB INTERVIEW THANK YOU LETTERYou’ll be happy to hear that if you’ve made it this far down the hiring process, preparing a thank you letter will be a breeze for you. It’s nothing compared to the effort it took to prepare your resume and cover letter, or the time it took to prepar e for the interview.However, its importance cannot be overemphasized. It’s vital that you do it right. You want it to have a positive impact on your application. Here’s how to do it:Be AuthenticThink about the door to door salesman trying to sell you detergent. If during the presentation you have any reason to think that what they are saying is not true, chances are that you won’t buy. The same is true for your job interview thank you letter. The product you are selling is yourself and if for any reason the hiring manager feels that you are not being genuine, they won’t buy.Studies have shown that 96% of employers would pick someone with the right attitude over someone with a perfect skillset. Honesty, loyalty and trustworthiness were named among the top six attitude qualities that are sought after. Your thank you needs to be sincere and not just another chance to pitch yourself.The best way to do this? Go personal. Try to remember something relevant that happened during the interview. It could be something that the particular interviewer said or did during the interview. Mention this in your letter. For example, say something like this: “Your flow chart with the flow of work in the department helped give me a clear picture of the expectations in this position.”Of course, it should be something you genuinely enjoyed during the interview.Mention NamesNothing shows you as selfish like sending a thank you letter addressed “To whom it may concern”. You were with them in the interview, and you were introduced. If you can’t remember them, why should they remember you? Your message should be relevant, customized and compelling to everyone who receives it.It can be hard sometimes to get the names of all the people who interviewed you if the panel was big. A good practice is to take every chance you get in the interview room to mention their name. For example, saying something like “That’s a very good question, Mr. Smith. The reason why…” then you go ahead and answer their question will help you recall their names. You can then transfer them all to your notebook after the interview for use in your thank you letter.While you are at it, make sure you don’t send the wrong message to anyone. Make sure you have the right names. If need be, you can confirm the names with LinkedIn profiles. Most people have their basic information on the website along with a description of their position.Put Your Best Foot ForwardHow many times have you clicked away from a website because of a bad user experience? The job market today is flooded, hence employers have too many options to settle overlook even the small errors. With this in mind, you should make a point of making sure your letter is well done.Make it brief and to the point so that the interviewer can see that you appreciate their time, but don’t make it look like an afterthought that you scribbled and sent. It needs to have proper salutation and sign off.You should also proofr ead and make sure that it has no typos, grammatical errors or formatting issues. It might be a simple thank you note, but that doesn’t mean that your prospective employer won’t use it to evaluate your writing and communication skills.Be TimelyFor best results, you should send your thank you letter within 24 hours from the time you finished the interview. Ideally, you should do it on the same day you did the interview. You should not take more than 2 days to send this letter.The longer you wait, the higher the chances of finding that the decision has already been made hence your letter won’t have any significant advantage to your application.Show Your ExcitementIn your thank you letter, let your employer know that you are very interested and excited about the possibility of filling the position. Show your passion for the industry and admiration for the company. This would be a good time to talk about something positive about the company that you discovered during the interview. For example, “I was happy to learn that ABC is so determined to take part in environmental conservation by minimizing on the use of paper. I find that admirable and something that everyone should be doing.”Highlight Your Key Selling PointsThe main reason why the interview was done is to ensure that the company finds a good fit for the position. Your thank you letter needs to show that you will be a good fit. The best way to do this is by mentioning some of your selling points and how they relate to this job.You should be very careful not to overdo this because it will make you sound salesy. It’s very important that you only mention a few selling points in a relevant manner. Ideally, you should talk about new information that you got from the interview.Here’s an example about how you can mention your selling points: “It was interesting to learn that ABC is currently going through a leadership transition. Having participated in the transition process in my current company wh en our Marketing Director left, I have skills that could help make the process faster and easier.”Be ConfidentLike we mentioned above, don’t your thank you letter sound like an apology letter. It should reinforce the fact that you are the right person for the job.So be passionate and confident in the letter and inject some personality. However, don’t exaggerate your abilities just to sound good.SAMPLELet’s finish by looking at a sample.John Doe,34 Railway Street,Pasadena, CA 53454.[Phone Number][Date]  Ms. Ashley Williams,Marketing Manager,ABC Inc.543 Main Street,Pasadena, CA 34345.Dear Ms. Williams,I would like to thank you and your staff for taking the time to meet with me and discuss the Graphic Designer position at ABC Inc. I particularly enjoyed hearing about your own experience at ABC and how it has impacted your career path. I was very excited to hear about the new graphical email campaigns that you are planning to switch to and as I mentioned, I believe that they wil l have a big positive impact on your conversion rates. I must admit, when we moved to media-rich emails at XYZ, some members of the marketing team were a bit skeptical about the move. However, the results spoke for themselves and we all wished we had started earlier. I’m confident that the experience will help me deliver in this position.I’ve been thinking about the move and I’ll be happy to talk to you about some ideas that I have for the campaigns when we speak. Thanks again for your time. Don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I can forward to make your hiring decision easier.Best Regards,  John Doe.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Case Of Captain Alden - 846 Words

Furthermore, according to Boyer and Nissenbaum, â€Å"it [was] clear that the girls themselves did not actually know most of the people they named.† This brings out the possibility that the trails were biased towards certain people. For example, in the case of Captain Alden, most of the afflicted girls were unable to recognize him until â€Å"a man standing behind one of the [girls] whispered into her ear.† In this case the girls were clueless on who Alden was until somebody identified him. Interestingly enough, when the girl’s interrogator asked her how she was able to identify Alden she claimed that, â€Å"the man told her so.† This account helps to show how some people could had an influence on the outcome of the trials. When a victim couldn t identify the specter, people around would them bombard the victim with names. Some accounts also seem to suggest that Samuel Parris and his supporters terrorized villagers and even had some controlled over the t rials. Considering that his two daughter were among the first to become â€Å"bewitch† it would make sense for Samuel Parris to take advantage of situation to get certain people out of the way. A closer examination of these cases lead historians to believe that neighborhood tiffs between opposite sides of Salem had a role in the escalation of trials. According to Boyer and Nissenbaum, There were fourteen accused witches who lived within the bounds of Salem (35) Most of the accused were considerate around the eastern side of the village. InShow MoreRelatedThe Open Window, By Hernando Tellez1321 Words   |  6 Pagesliterature from all around the world provide one. The themes of H.H. Munro’s The Open Window, Hernando Tà ©llez’s Just Lather, That’s All, and Alden Nowlan’s The Fall of a City, all relate to humanity, and our roles in society. 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(Brooks 3) The hunt for witches started because the people of this village feared the devil, and witches who worked for him (Brook s 1). The hunt for witches was so outrageous that it moved to 8 neighboring town (Brooks 7). Captain John Alden Jr. the son of a Mayflower crew member was accused of witchcraft and sent to jail, but escaped and went to New York to live (Brooks 9). In June the arrests of witches declined, but the local jails still held more than 200 witches (BrooksRead MoreThe Quiet American, By Graham Greene1430 Words   |  6 Pagesalways biased to the knowledge they have, whether it is true or false, a lot or a little. When innocent people look to solve a problem, they are biased to their innocence, which often causes more harm than good. In The Quiet American, by Graham Greene, Alden Pyle is an innocent, and therefore problematic, character. The novel is set in 1950s Vietnam during the Vietnam War. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Easy Tip About College Essay Samples for Health Care Explained

A Easy Tip About College Essay Samples for Health Care Explained Luckily essay writing is one particular location where you can. If you're assigned to write an argumentative essay, you will need to be prepared to defend a specific point of view. The topic is extremely relevant given recent healthcare law reforms, therefore the kairos is a significant element in my essay. You're welcome to cooperate on your part of writing and highlight the medical care situations and facts that are definitely the most interesting for you so that the essay appears like you've written it all on your own. Life After College Essay Samples for Health Care The expense of employing qualified personnel in the medication field is another issue available. Advanced interpersonal and communication skills impact the attribute of medicare too. The services are unskilled and non-specialized personnel supply the activities crucial to the maintenance of the resident. The services provided enable the residen t to attain maximum role of their activities of everyday living. Diet is among the main influences on oral wellbeing. Acupuncture may be a legitimate cure for migraines. Health and fitness is the blend of healthful living with healthy way of life. Psychological health is extremely necessary with the physical health of someone as a way to be healthy and fit. The effort by the insurance organizations to strive to stay relevant in the company by providing adequately medical coverage only results to plenty of danger and adverse selection. To run a medical care organization effectively one wants to get the greatest administrative skills. Fantastic health is the true wealth means money that has capability to help us always. All systems are interchangeable and to enhance the degree of a single system, it is imperative to look closely at the degree of another one. What You Need to Do About College Essay Samples for Health Care Starting in the Next 15 Minutes Under such situation if you're not having a fantastic healthcare centre in your region then it's really merciful. Even though most developed nations have implemented some type of universal public medical insurance, most studies on the effect of the health insurance policy coverage have been limited to certain subpopulations, like infants and kids, the elderly or the poor. As opposed to take care of medicine and nursing, the government's most important goal ought to be to monitor and manage the political and financial situation in the nation. The upcoming significant problem of the medical care process is an increasing quantity of uninsured persons. It is possible to manage vocabularly choice (and you should), but you might not say something which isn't correct. If you by chance contact and employ a dishonest writing agency, you're in danger of losing your time and money. It's necessary they provide some vivid real-life examples should they desire to convince their audience of their perspective. One of the most typical reasons people search for assistance with essay writing is they realize they're running out of time. Despite how the State allocates huge sums in the business, it does not have any effective control over the prices and costs of products and services. The healthcare system in the usa has been a subject of criticism with respect to its effectiveness in the delivery. Amongst the developed donations, the USA spends the most significant proportion of its GDP on healthcare expenditure. The usa is among the few developed countries without a universal medical insurance system. Health issues are extremely serious and ought to be attended to seriously to decrease the variety of diseases and deaths within our communities resulting in a health community. Diversity leads to a friendly atmosphere for those employees, which then attracts and retains cohesive, diverse workforce, and increased innovation. The lack of experienced and skilled healthcare workers across all African countries is among the principal reasons for poor quality of health aid. Now-a-days, easy life isn't possible as everyone would like to earn more money to secure much better life than others. It's very required to make money for fulfilling some basic needs however, additionally it is crucial to live a healthful and peaceful life which needs a superb wellbeing. In such a busy life and polluted environment, it is extremely tough for all to keep up an excellent wellness and live healthful life. A wholesome person just needs to devote some money just on his health on regular basis. Speci alized caregivers account for another sizeable part of the health care sector. Caring is about time. Hospice care can be received in a number of organizational settings. The Canadian healthcare system also gives a public coverage in the private healthcare delivery. The wartime nurses should be provided extra priority-discuss. The access to healthcare facilities is dependent on the distribution of resources among the healthcare facilities. Apparently, the access to medical care services and equality of Americans in respect to health care services is vital.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hutu Tribe Free Essays

Hutu The mention of the word â€Å"Hutu† immediately conjures up images of mass murder from the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. The recent film Hotel Rwanda brought the horrible atrocities of that genocide to the public eye. However, it is not only in Rwanda that the Hutu have been involved in ethnic war. We will write a custom essay sample on Hutu Tribe or any similar topic only for you Order Now The country of Burundi, a neighbor to Rwanda, was the site of the first violence between the Hutu and the Tutsi. The Hutu people of Burundi have a rich culture and history that has been largely overshadowed by ethnic conflict. The Hutu are a Bantu tribe numbering about thirteen million (Newbury 2001). Traditionally the Hutu organized themselves in clans and family groups through patrilineal decent (Ndarishikanye 1998). Within these groups they practiced polygyny and bridewealth as part of the institution of marriage (McDonald et. al 1969). Like many African tribes the Hutu’s religious beliefs include the spirit world. The supreme God Imana is seen as the giver of all good while there are lesser spirits who do evil (book). The Hutu inhabit the high plateau of the central African Rift Valley and inhabited 85% of Rwanda and Burundi before the ethnic wars in those countries (CIA World Factbook). The Hutu inhabit diverse geographies. In the southeast region of the Rwanda and Burundi territory there are open grasslands which are ideal for pastoral people. In the western region of the countries there are mountains. The west is good land for agriculture because it reliably receives rainfall. In the northeast there are lowlands that are along Lake Tanganyika (Newbury, 2001). This vast array of ecologies provides different possibilities for food production or procurement. The Hutu are traditionally agriculturalist but they did get involved in herding cattle because of the closely related Tutsi tribe. The Hutu wanted cattle and the Tutsi wanted laborers. To appease both groups, agreements called ubuhake were made. These agreements exchanged the Tutsi cattle for the Hutu labor. In other words when a Hutu entered this agreement he received cattle but in return became submissive to a Tutsi owner (Louis 1963). This is one reason that the minority Tutsi rose to control economics and rule over the majority Hutu, this would later lead to ethnic conflict. The ethnic conflict between the Tutsi and the Hutu is most famous in Rwanda but the Hutu of Burundi have also been severely affected by ethnic tension throughout the years. Understanding the causes and effects of the violence is a part of understanding the history of the Hutu people. The causes of the ethnic tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi are not simply explained. In fact, in 1931 Bernard Zuure, a missionary with seventeen years of work in Burundi, noted that it was pointless to distinguish between the Hutu and Tutsi because their cultures were so similar (Zuure 1931). What then caused the separation between the two ethnicities? According to Alphonse Rugambarara the separation of identities came when there was a specific political agenda to create separate Tutsi and Hutu ideologies. These terms created animosity and dichotomist identities where there was actually little difference (Rugambarara 1990). The identities of Hutu and Tutsi were so significant that other ethnicities or social segregations became less important. The role of the Hutu as submissive to the Tutsi was engrained in society. An example of this is that in the Kirundi language (spoken by the Hutu) there is not a word equivalent to the English equality or liberty so Hutu’s could not even verbalize a desire for freedom (Lermarchand 1995). Given the strong identity associated with ethnicity in Burundi the complications behind the explanation of the 1972 genocide are understandable. To get to the root of the problem or causes of the genocide is difficult because the perceptions of the Hutu and Tutsi about the conflict are very different (Lermachand 1995). Liisa Malkki studied Hutu refugees in Tanzania who had fled from the genocide. She discovered that in the refugee camps â€Å"mythico-histories† were created. These were stories or parables that the Hutu told which constructed their history and moral truths (Milkka, 1989). These stories were not necessarily untrue or true but they served to construct the identity of the Hutu and the cause of the genocide. The Hutu were not the only tribe developing â€Å"mythico-histories. † The truth is very hard to discern among many â€Å"histories† (Lermarchand 1995). Beyond the â€Å"why’s† of the conflict we can conclude the â€Å"what’s. † What actually took place in Burundi in 1972? In the spring of 1972 on April 29th the Hutu attempted a rebellion against the ruling Tutsi. In response the Tutsi retaliated with warfare. Within several weeks roughly 100,000 people were killed in the ethnic conflict. Of the total population of Burundi 3. 5 percent were wiped out (Mikksa 1989). This was not the last of ethnic violence in Burundi. In 1993 the country saw more violence when its first Hutu president, Melchior Ndadaye, was assassinated (Lemarchand 2001). The Hutu reacted to the Tutsi murder of their president by killing an estimated 20,000 Tutsi in the two months following the assassination (Lemarchand 2001). Blame for the violence between the two ethnicities cannot be placed on one group or the other, they are both responsible. The history between the Tutsi and the Hutu is full of attack and reaction sequences. Both the Tutsi and the Hutu wanted to have, â€Å"the last word. † With a long history of violence between Tutsi and Hutu in Burundi there have been severe repercussions. The largest affect of the genocide has been the diaspora of Burundi. The conflict in Burundi created both Tutsi and Hutu refugees in search of safety. The UN Refugee Agency (UN Refugee Agency 2007) estimated in June 2007 that a total of 464,026 Burundians had been displaced from their homes. Of that group 48,144 had returned to Burundi and 396,541 were still in refugee status (UN Refugee Agency 2007) Of the refugees still in refugee status, not including internally displaced persons (IDP) the UNHCR is assisting 164,191 (UN Refugee Agency 2007). What exactly do all these terms and numbers mean? Put simply they mean that there are hundreds of thousands of people who were forced or chased away from their homes and livelihoods. The UNHCR defines a refugee as â€Å"a person who is outside his/her country of nationality or habitual residence; has a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion; and is unable or unwilling to avail himself/herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution† (UN Refugee Agency 2007) Under such conditions it is expected that any people group will undergo significant changes. Liisa Milkka has written a book about the refugee status of the Hutu’s in Tanzania. She spent one year in Tanzania studying two groups of refugees. Many refugees fled to Tanzania after the genocide of 1972 in Burundi. The first group lived in an isolated refugee camp and the other settled near the town of Kigoma. The town refugees tended to be dispersed amongst non-refugees while the camp refugees were concentrated all in one place (Milkka 1989). Because of these arrangements the town refugees assimilated into the town culture. They took on many identities and did not solely live as â€Å"Hutu† or as â€Å"refugees† (Milkka 1992). Naturally it was more ifficult for the camp people to do the same because they had isolated themselves from the Tanzanians. The camp culture glorified the Hutu identity as the original inhabitants of Burundi who would one day return there to reestablish their kingdom (Milkka 1989). The status of refugee for these camp people was a great thing. It made them become â€Å"a purer and more powerful Hutu† (Milkka, 1992). Th ese differences between refugee definitions of â€Å"Hutu† complicate the Hutu ethnicity further. Instead of creating more confusion and uncertainty for the Hutu there should be a movement toward unity. This is exactly the approach that the Burundi government has taken to appease the violence between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Instead of stressing differences the government wants to stress unity. By focusing on national unity, democracy, and individual rights the Burundi government has tried to dissolve ethnic tensions (Ndarishikany, 1998). Some discussion has been made about the benefit that could come from reinstating the Burundian abashingatahe (Herisse 2002), which in traditional Burundian society was a judge, moral interpreter and well respected man (Newbury, 2001). The abashingatahe served to reconcile families with communities, certify marriages, settle litigations, maintain peace, and in general speak in favor of human rights (Herisse 2002). It is argued that bringing this social force back into practice will begin to reconstruct social unity in Burundi. This may be just what the Hutu people need to come together and rebuild. The troubles of the genocides between the Tutsi and Hutu have strained both cultures. Many refugees created by the genocides in Rwanda and Burundi have integrated themselves into foreign cultures. Just an hour to the north of us there are Burundi refugees in the city of Buffalo. These refugees come to the US speaking little if any English. They eventually get jobs and become functioning civilians. As Burundians assimilate into American culture they will eventually lose some of their â€Å"distinct† cultural features. Understanding some of the history of Burundian Hutu’s and the reasons behind the ethnic conflict with the Tutsi can increase the effectiveness with which we help refugees integrate into American society. Works Citied CIA World Factbook. (Nov. 1 2007). Burundi. Retrieved Nov. 13, 2007. https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/by. html#People Lemarchand, Rene. (1998). Genocide in the Greak Lakes: Which Genocide? Whose genocide? African Studies Review, 41, 3-16. Retrieved November 7, 2001, from JSTOR. Malkki, Liisa. (1992). National Geographic: The Rooting of Peoples and Territorialization of National Identity among Scholars and Refugees. Cultural Anthropology, 7, 24-44. from JSTOR. Malkka, Liisa. (1989). Purity and Exile  : Transformations in Historical-National Consciousness among Hutu Refugees in Tanzania. Ann Arbor: University Microfilsm. Malkki, Liisa H. (1996). Speechless Emissaries: Refugees, Humanitarianism, and Dehistoricization. Cultural Anthropology, 11, 377-404. Retrieved November 11, 2007, from JSTOR. McDonald, Gordon C. Brenneman, Lyle E. , Hibbs, Roy V. , James Charlene, A. , Vincenti, Violeta. (1969). Area handbook for Burundi. Ndarishikanye, Barnabe. (1998). The Question of the Protection of Minorities in Burundi. Issue: A Journal of Opinion, 26, 5-9, Retrieved November 8, 2007, from JSTOR. Newbury, David. 2001) Precolonial Burundi and Rwanda: Local Loyalties, Regional Royalties. The International Journal of African Historical Studies. 34,. 255-314. Retrieved November 8, 2007, from JSTOR. Rockfeler, Herisse, P. (2002). Democracy, Governance and Conflict in Burundi. Peace Studies Journal. 1-10. Rugambarara, Alphonse. (1990). Conscience ethnique. Le Reveil, July-August, 35-40. The UN Refugee Agency. (daily updated). 2006 Refugee Statistics. Retrieved Nov. 11, 2007. http://w ww. unhcr. org/statistics/STATISTICS/4676a71d4. pdf. Zuure, Bernard. (1931). L’ame du Murundi. Paris: Beauchesne. How to cite Hutu Tribe, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Reporting Abuses free essay sample

Every child must be protected from harm because it can cause many negative effects like trauma, physical and psychological disorders and any other illness that may effect their growth. So, the government makes a law that helps the child from being abused. This law can be found on Penal Code Section 11164 – 1174.4.3 (California Child Abuse and Neglect Law, 2007). This law aims to protect children and to give the rights of every child. This law also states that failure to report any abuses will consider a crime. In this way, everyone will be aware that they have the responsibility to protect every child, even if you don’t know them (California Child Abuse and Neglect Law, 2007). There are several cases of child abuse in our society but with the help of other people, it has been stopped like the story of Jenny (not her real name). She is a 4 year-old girl that lives with her father. We will write a custom essay sample on Reporting Abuses or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her mother was in the other country to work. Jenny was abused by his father and the poor little kid can’t do anything. One concerned neighbor report this incident. She reports all the maltreatment Jenny’s father do. Jenny’s father was caught and the child was claimed by the social welfare society until her mother arrives. Now, Jenny is living with her mother and her father was still in jail. This incident is an example of child protection. Jenny’s neighbor, even though she never knew her, helps Jenny and gives her the right to enjoy childhood. Based on Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals, we must protect them from any harm. We must guide, educate, and provide them what they need for them to grow physically, psychologically and socially normal (Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals, 1996). Reporting child abuses doesn’t mean that you won’t get any protection. The law also states that any reporters will get the protection needed to protect them. In this way, the concerned people won’t be afraid of reporting anyone who commits this crime. Their identity will remain confidential and they will have immunity for civil and criminal liability. The government also ensures that every report is true because if it is false, the reporter will suffer the consequences (The Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Childrens Sport in

Friday, March 20, 2020

Multi-threading in C# With Tasks

Multi-threading in C# With Tasks The computer programming term thread is short for  thread  of execution, in which a processor follows a specified path through your code. The concept of following more than one thread at a time introduces the subject of multi-tasking and multi-threading. An application has one or more processes in it. Think of a process as a program running on your computer. Now each process has one or more threads. A game application might have a thread to load resources from disk, another to do AI, and another to run the game as a server. In .NET/Windows,  the operating system allocates processor time to a thread. Each thread keeps track of exception handlers and the priority at which it runs, and it has somewhere to save the thread context until it runs. Thread context is the information that the thread needs to resume. Multi-Tasking With Threads Threads take up a bit of memory and creating them takes a little time, so usually, you dont want to use many. Remember, they compete for processor time. If your computer has multiple CPUs, then Windows or .NET might run each thread on a different CPU, but if several threads run on the same CPU, then only one can be active at a time and switching threads takes time. The CPU runs a thread for a few million instructions, and then it switches to another thread. All of the CPU registers, current program execution point and stack have to be saved somewhere for the first thread and then restored from somewhere else for the next thread. Creating a Thread In the namespace System.Threading, youll find the thread type. The constructor thread  (ThreadStart) creates an instance of a thread. However, in recent C# code, its more likely to pass in a lambda expression that calls the method with any parameters. If youre unsure about lambda expressions, it might be worth checking out LINQ. Here is an example of a thread that is created and started: using System; using System.Threading;namespace ex1{class Program{public static void Write1(){Console.Write(1) ;Thread.Sleep(500) ;}static void Main(string[] args){var task new Thread(Write1) ;task.Start() ;for (var i 0; i 10; i){Console.Write(0) ;Console.Write (task.IsAlive ? A : D) ;Thread.Sleep(150) ;}Console.ReadKey() ;}}} All this example does is write 1 to the console. The main thread writes a 0 to the console 10 times, each time followed by an A or D depending on whether the other thread is still Alive or Dead. The other thread only runs once and writes a 1. After the half-second delay in the Write1() thread, the thread finishes, and the Task.IsAlive in the main loop now returns D. Thread Pool and Task Parallel Library Instead of creating your own thread, unless you really need to do it, make use of a Thread Pool. From .NET 4.0, we have access to the Task Parallel Library (TPL). As  in the previous example, again we need a bit of LINQ, and yes, its all lambda expressions. Tasks uses the Thread Pool behind the scenes  but make  better use of the threads depending on the number in use. The main object in the TPL is a Task. This is a class that represents an asynchronous operation. The commonest way to start things running is with the Task.Factory.StartNew as in: Task.Factory.StartNew(() DoSomething()); Where DoSomething() is the method that is run. Its possible to create a task and not have it run immediately. In that case, just use Task like this: var t new Task(() Console.WriteLine(Hello));...t.Start(); That doesnt start the thread until the .Start() is called. In the example below, are five tasks. using System;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;namespace ex1{class Program{public static void Write1(int i){Console.Write(i) ;Thread.Sleep(50) ;}static void Main(string[] args){for (var i 0; i 5; i){var value i;var runningTask Task.Factory.StartNew(()Write1(value)) ;}Console.ReadKey() ;}}} Run that and you  get the digits 0 through 4 output in some random order such as 03214. Thats because the order of task execution is determined by .NET. You might be wondering why the var value i is needed. Try removing it and calling Write(i), and youll see something unexpected like 55555. Why is this? Its because the task shows the value of i at the time that the task is executed, not when the task was created. By creating a new variable each time in the loop, each of the five values is correctly stored and picked up.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Printable ACT Practice Tests PDFs 6 FREE Official Tests

Printable ACT Practice Tests PDFs 6 FREE Official Tests SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips No matter how you prep for the ACT- whether you have a tutor, take a class, or study by yourself- you must get access to official, printable ACT tests. These tests are released by ACT, Inc., and contain real questions given to actual students on previous test dates. Although all of these questions have been removed from circulation (meaning you won't ever see them on the real ACT), their quality is second to none when it comes to realistic ACT practice. In this post, I'll tell you where you can find all official, printable ACT practice tests with answer keys. I'll also give you key strategies to help you make big improvements on each practice test. 6 Free, Printable ACT Practice Tests Below are all six currently available PDFs for official ACT tests. Even though some practice tests are old (dating as far back as 2005), the format of the ACT hasn't changed much since then (except for the introduction of a redesigned Writing section in 2015), so you're basically still taking the same test from more than a decade ago. ACT Printable Practice Test 2018-2019 (Form 74FPRE) Test: p11-55. Answer key: p57-60. ACT Printable Practice Test 2015-16 (Form 72CPRE) Test: p11-55. Answer key: p57-62. ACT Printable Practice Test 2014-15 (Form 67C) Test: p11-51 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p56-62. ACT Printable Practice Test 2011-12 (Form 64E) Test: p13-56 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p60-65. ACT Printable Practice Test 2008-09 (Form 61C) Test: p13-55 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p60-64. ACT Printable Practice Test 2005-06 (Form 59F) Test: p13-55 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p60-65. Each test includes a full answer key so you can grade your test. Notice a few years missing? That's because ACT, Inc., often duplicates the same practice test in consecutive years. For example, the 2015-16 test is identical to the 2016-17 and 2017-18 tests. We've included the form ID for each test (in parentheses) so that you can check what's the same and what's different (the ID is located in the bottom-left corner of each page). Once you've downloaded a PDF practice test, I recommend printing it out and working through it on paper using official time limits (more on this in a moment). Note that these tests are not a cure-all for your ACT problems. To use them effectively, you'll need to learn what they do and don't do. You'll also need to make sure you're using ACT practice tests at an optimal frequency (in other words, don't take one too close to your ACT test date!). But how else can you utilize official practice tests in your ACT prep? 6 Strategies to Get the Most Out Of ACT Practice Tests When you set aside four hours for an ACT practice test, it's important to try to get the most out of your time and energy. Using our six critical tips below as you take your ACT tests can help you prepare more effectively for test day. #1: Print Out the Test and Work Through It on Paper You're going to take the actual ACT on paper (as opposed to a computer), so it's best to emulate this format by taking each practice test on paper, too. Do your scratch work directly in your "test book" (in other words, not on separate pieces of scratch paper- remember, you won't get any extra paper on test day, though you are allowed to take notes directly on your test!). If you're taking the Writing (essay) section, be sure to use the lined essay paper (included in each PDF above) to write out your essay by hand. #2: Keep Strict Timing on Every Section Many students struggle with time pressure on the ACT. Going over a section's time limit by just two minutes can make a noticeable difference in your score since you're essentially giving yourself the chance to answer two or three more questions. This is why it's so important to adhere to the official time limits. Not only will this help you get used to the test structure, but it'll also let you learn how to identify your weaknesses. Here are the official time limits on the ACT as well as approximately how long you should aim to spend per question on each section: ACT Section Time per Section Time per Question English 45 minutes 36 seconds Math 60 minutes 60 seconds Reading 35 minutes 52 seconds Science 35 minutes 52 seconds Writing (Optional) 40 minutes 40 minutes Last but not least, the ACT isn't without breaks, so make sure to rest during your test, too! #3: Take the Test in One Sitting, If Possible The ACT is a marathon: it lasts about four hours, and you have to take it on a Saturday morning. Thousands of students have told me how difficult it is to stay focused during the whole exam and how easy it is to make careless mistakes at the end of the test. Just like training for a marathon, you need to ensure you've got enough endurance to be able to succeed on the ACT. And the best way to do this is to take a practice test in one sitting- just as you will on test day. If there's no possible way for you to take an ACT test in one sitting (for example, maybe you're an athlete and have practice every day that completely wears you out), it's OK to split up the test over multiple days- just as long as you're obeying each section's time limit exactly. In the end, it's better to do some practice than none at all! #4: Review Your Answers and Mistakes The main point of taking ACT practice tests isn't just getting to do a lot of questions- it's being able to learn from your mistakes. For every test you take, review all of your mistakes as well as every question you got right. If you don't know why you missed a question, don't gloss over it! Doing this means you won't learn from your mistakes and will keep making them over and over again, thereby lowering your score. Ultimately, learn to prize study quality over quantity. It's better to take three ACT practice tests with detailed review instead of six practice tests with no review. #5: Take At Least 4 Practice Tests Before Test Day Based on my experience with thousands of students, I've found that taking four practice tests makes you extremely comfortable with the ACT in all respects: timing, endurance, and even stress. While you can definitely take more than four tests if you want, you'll need to balance this practice with some focused prep on your weaknesses so that you can make faster progress. #6: No Score Improvement? Supplement Your Practice Tests Some students are great at using practice tests to study by themselves- they'll see a mistake they made, instantly realize why they made it, and then avoid making it in the future. That said, most students need additional help with pinpointing their weaknesses and getting down key test-taking skills and strategies. Some of the best options for prep help include hiring a tutor, buying a comprehensive ACT prep book, and taking an online ACT prep course. Our dedicated guide can help you figure out which ACT prep method works best for you. What's Next? Ready to get a perfect ACT score? Read our famous guide on what it takes, written by an expert 36 scorer. If you're aiming for top scores on all four sections of the ACT, read our in-depth strategy guides on how to get a 36 on ACT English, ACT Math, ACT Reading, and ACT Science. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice ACT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score. Check out our 5-day free trial:

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Bakery Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bakery Business Plan - Essay Example ur is the most valuable ingredient that influences the entire processing response and determines the final quality of the finished bakery products because of the unique proteins in wheat that gives the products a characteristic highly expanded structure. In addition, wheat flour is generally present in a large proportion than any other ingredient used in baking industry. The baked products provide majority of the food supplements recommended for daily consumption. Such elements include carbohydrates, lipids (free fatty acids and simple glycerides), fiber, vitamins, and mineral salts (Matz, 1992). The production environment within the bakery involves all the entire processes from the onset of acquiring the raw materials for baking the products to when the baked product is ready for consumption, sale, and transportation of the finished products to other consumers. Purchasing of various ingredients including the required quantity of wheat flour, margarine, sweeteners and other required ingredients, mixing which is classified as a chemical engineering unit operation, entails putting plurality of materials originally existing separately in non-uniform combination. For example mixing flour with water and the required fluids including margarine and other fats into such an arrangement that each particle of one material lies nearly and adjacent to each particle of the other materials and make a thick semi solid mass of the mixture, which will be sliced in variable sizes according to the desired products. Such mixing is done using mixer machines (Matz, 1992). After the baking process the products are placed on storage containers awaiting for transportation and outsourcing to various distributors, wholesalers and consumers, this involves the incorporation of various transportation modes to ensure the delivery of fresh products to the market. The entire operation involves the use and coordination through human labor that control the machines during the baking process.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Ethic and Social Impacts on Crime Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethic and Social Impacts on Crime - Assignment Example This has led the tribe people to lose livestock, livelihood, and lifestyle.    Mbuba (2011) reported that this apparent situation relies heavily on the legislation of these East African countries, on how will they be able to handle the problem of crime of rural areas where police patrols are not available and the authority of tribal elders are more dynamic. Mbuba identified another factor on why crime reporting is unpopular among tribe people. These communities are described as transitional communities at which there is a â€Å"somewhat inevitable developmental stage of society that intervenes between fully functional social relations characterized by the rule of law, on one hand, and the informal traditional arrangements†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It was also reported that there is tranquillity in policing transitional societies. Apparently there is â€Å"law enforcement monopoly whereby the police administration is routinely reluctant to embrace any mechanisms for sharing with the rest of the community members the responsibility for ensuring safety for all† (Mark s, Shearing, & Wood, 2009). The authority of Chief and Sub-Chiefs in crime prevention is so crucial that a separate law was made in order to specify, elaborate, and clarify the limit of power of the two tribe officers. Mbuba, J. (2011). Approaches to crime control and order Maintenance in Transitional Societies: The Role of Village Headmen, Chiefs, Sub-Chiefs and Administration Police in Rural Kenya. African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies. Retrieved from http://www.faqs.org/periodicals/201104/2367231161.html Tribal Elders Agree to End Years of Conflict. (2005). United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Retrieved from

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Why Britain Able To Win Battle Of Britain History Essay

Why Britain Able To Win Battle Of Britain History Essay In the summer of 1940, the RAF stood alone against the might of the Luftwaffe for aerial supremacy over Britain. Britain was able to win the battle of Britain due to a number of factors; however, the most important reason is that of the error made by Hitler on the 7th of September to change the targets of the Luftwaffe away from aerial bases and to towns and cities. This alone, did not result in the success of Britain in the Battle, other important long term factors such as Britain being an island and RADAR brought considerable triumph as well. Britain was an island, this meant that the Blitzkrieg tactic that enabled Germany to plough through Belgium and France, which relied on close coordination between ground troops and the air force, had to be altered. Germany could no longer use its ground and air forces as one unit of destruction. Britain also had a world renowned Navy, this allowed supplies from the USA and other countries to be protected and imported in to enable Britain to keep up the continual aerial defence of Britain as under the supervision of the Minister of Aircraft Production, Lord Beaverbrook, resupply and maintenance became a national priority. Britain also had the home advantage this meant that pilots could bail out of their planes then rejoin their company again so less pilots needed to be trained, however, German pilots were taken as prisoners of war. All of these long term factors gave Britain the upper hand before the Battle had even started. Though the Luftwaffe had nearly double the amount of aircraft as the British, however, there were plenty of indications that the Luftwaffe might face problems in controlling the skies over Britain. Firstly, the Luftwaffe had limited range and was operating from bases some way from Dunkirk, as they underestimated how bigger obstacle the channel was, making the German bombers very vulnerable to the most modern RAF fighters, such as the Spitfire which was an easy match for the ME109, the German bombers escorts, as it was faster and a lot more manoeuvrable so won more dogfights. The German Bombers, therefore were left extremely vulnerable, if their escorts got caught up in dogfights they became easy targets, the junkers also carried a limited supply of bombs so did not cause as much damage as the Germans would of hoped for. The Germans also underestimated the strength of the RAF on the ground, the RAF had a well-organised and extensive air defence system. The British were far from undere stimating their opponents, in fact the overestimated them, the invention of RADAR enabled RAF pilots to get into the air quickly and intercept bombers before they had their chance to drop their loads. This was vital in reducing the damage of the Luftwaffe on Britain and more importantly the morale of the British people to continue the defence of their homeland. However, I think the most important reason, was that British tactics were also far greater thought out then Germanys. Air Marshall Dowding proved to be very masterful in command, he had resisted demands by Churchill to send his fighter reserve to France, holding it back for the defence of the UK, and refused to commit it in large numbers to defending sea convoys. Both decisions were subsequently proved to have been good ones. On the other hand Reichsmarschall Hermann GÃ ¶ering, head of the Luftwaffe, ordered his force to draw the RAF into battle by attacking coastal convoys and bombing radar stations along the south coast, installations of the British aircraft industry, and RAF airfields. The dilution of this effort in retaliation for the bombing of Berlin, was the principal reason why the Luftwaffe eventually lost the battle, as it allowed the RAF to recover when it was near collapse. (600 WORDS) 2) STUDY SOURCE A. DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS INTERPRATATION OD DUNKIRK? USE THE SOURCE AND KNOWLEDGE FROM YOUR STUDIES TO EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER. Source A is a painting by Sir Charles Cunning depicting the evacuation of Dunkirk. The source is accurate in showing the bigger naval vessels waiting out to see, as they could not get as close to the beach, which was why the smaller boats to ferry to the soldiers were used, as shown in the painting. The painting shows the soldiers waiting in lines to be rescued and maintain discipline as bombs are falling down, this is inaccurate as many soldier fled to safety behind bunkers and even buried themselves in the sand to avoid the onslaught of the aerial assault. The loss life at Dunkirk is also not shown as at Dunkirk over 40% of the French army was lost with over 80% of its equipment so this source is a rather sanitised view. However, the source gives us the impression that large numbers of soldiers were evacuated from he beaches this is accurate as over 330,000 soldiers were evacuated by boat from Dunkirk as the source shows. Sir Charles Cundall was the official government war artist this limits the usefulness of the source as he would have been paid to show the evacuation as a success to it would heighten the morale back at home by glorifying the part the British played, this leads to an element of bias. The source could definitely not have been painted the picture whilst the evacuation was in progress, so the picture would have been created from eye witness accounts this means it could lack some accuracy. I partially agree with the impression source A gives but it can only be taken as an impression and not as fact. This is the due to the provenance, which comprimises the validity of the source as it was painted for the purpose of propaganda, because of this, the painting may of been glorified to keep up the morale of the British public. Subsequently, I do agree that the source is accurate to a historian wanting to know what the government wanted the public to believe about the evacuation of Dunkirk. (300 WORDS) 3) DUNKIRK WAS A GREAT DELIVERENCE AND A GREAT DISASTER. (AJP TAYLOR). IS THERE SUFFICIENT EVINDENCE IN SOURCES A TO G TO SUPPORT THIS INTERPRETATION? USE THE SOURCES AND YOUR KNOWLEDGE FROM YOUR STUDIES TO EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER. Sources A-E are all primary sources produced at the time of the evacuation. Sources B and C are photos which means they can be construed to be accurate, however, they do not give the whole story of the evacuation as they are only a picture of one moment, in one area of the beach, so can be misinterpreted. Historians have created sources F and G, in order to produce a balanced view of Dunkirk to educate the reader, the balanced view is lacking in some sources. Source A is a contemporary painting of the events of Dunkirk, therefore, cannot be assumed to be reliable as a painting is only the artists individual impression of events. Consequently, due to the painting being commissioned by the British government, the source is biased and will include spin which suited the political environment of the time. This is why Dunkirk is shown to be a great deliverance as the BEF is prevailing against the onslaught of the German aerial attacks. Source D is also very similar, it puts a very positive spin on the evacuation. Anthony Eden, the war minister, says even though the British Expeditionary Force had lost a lot of men and equipment they have gained immeasurably in experience of warfare and self-confidence. This spirit is the vital weapon of the army. Even though the British lost more men and equipment, Eden, continues to tell the public that the BEF have come out on top and that Dunkirk has the lead to the guarantee of final victory; deliverance. T he source is unreliable as Eden could not have said that Dunkirk was a disaster as then the public would become disheartened and may stop helping in the war effort. Source B is a photograph of a section of Beach with soldiers in regimented lines, soldiers seemingly un-panicked, maintaining discipline showing Dunkirk asdeliverance. However, this source is only of one small section of beach when there were no German aircraft attacking; when they did, soldiers would often take flight to the sand dunes for cover in fright. This desperation is exhibited in Source C showing a soldier who is shooting at planes in the sky in vein with a rifle, showing Dunkirk as a disaster as the BEF were ill-equipped to defend themselves, however, the fact that the BEF are shooting at a plane with a rifle shows great determination and bravery; deliverance. Both Sources, have been produced for propaganda purposes, to keep morale at home by showing the BEF as determined (Source C) and disciplined (source B) this affects the reliability of sources, they only provide a snapshot of events in that one place at that one exact time. Source E is from a British newspaper, the source is accurate in some ways, telling us that tens of thousands safely home already and An armada of ships all sizes, all shapes were used for crossing the channel. However, it gives a very one sided view as it is full of honour and pride and describes the British expeditionary force as unbeatable but does not mention how many people and equipment was lost. As the source is from a newspaper you may expect it to be accurate as a newspaper is meant to inform the reader, however, censorship may have played its part in the report in order to keep the morale of the public high. This source is still quite useful because it gives a lot of information, which is accurate, but is still not adequate enough to agree with the interpretation of Dunkirk found in the quote. Sources F and G give very balanced views of the Evacuation of Dunkirk. Source F was written by A.J.P Taylor; in this source he gives evidence to support his interpretation that Dunkirk was a great deliverance and a great disaster. He gives both positive and negative aspects if the evacuation, he states that the operation succeeded beyond all expectations and that almost the entire B.E.F were saved, the deliverance, however, it also tells us that the BEF lost virtually all its equipment and many other things like planes and boats were destroyed, the disaster. He uses facts the back these up so the source is accurate. Source G also gives positive and negative aspects of the evacuation. Richard Holmes says that the evacuation would be a miracle, and talks about the anticipation of defeat but he also talks about the great determination troops and sailors had, he talks to eye witnesses to back up his view and gives a very reliable and accurate description of the events. Both source were p roduced after the evacuation, this means they would have no political motive and were produced to educate the reader/viewer so therefore are likely to be reliable and accurate. Both sources view Dunkirk as a disaster and deliverance and use key facts to back this up. Therefore the interpretation of AJP Taylor is accurate using these two sources. Due to the provenance of sources A-E no valid conclusions can be drawn from them so we are not able to use them to prove AJP Taylors interpretation, however, they are still useful for telling us ,for example, what the government wanted the public to believe about the evacuation. Source A-G give much more balanced views of Dunkirk giving us both positive and negative views, subsequently, I am able to agree qwith AJP interpretation.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Education on health promotion Essay

The dissertation topic of this paper is â€Å"education on health promotion† and problem statement of this dissertation is â€Å"During an 18 month period, the researcher will design, implement and evaluate an HIV/AIDS health promotion program for inpatients in a non- profit hospital located in Los Angeles California. † The literature that has been used in the literature review is related to the topic in aspects of looking at how the health of patients can be promoted. This literature review provides the reader with an overview of the education on health promotion that is related with HIV/AIDS patients (http://library. ucsc. edu). The materials used are all relevant to the topic of discussion in the dissertation. A literature review is supposed to provide the reader with an overview of the research topic as expounded in the literature that has been used. In it, the researcher critically looks at how the authors have presented their information. The reliability and validity of the literature is analyzed and confirmed with the sources cited. Furthermore, in it the objectivity of the researcher is put under scrutiny and the various aspects of the information are evaluated. The ability of the author to persuade the reader on the theses they are talking about is also analyzed. How the literature contributes to the research topic at is also questioned and thus the value of the information is established. A literature review may either be the final product or be part of a research (http://www. isc. edu). In the body and conclusion of the literature review the writer will need to provide as summary of the studies that are found within the literature. Usually only the major contributions towards the research topic are discussed in the literature review. The much that one explains in the review is determined by the space and time available for the literature review. The problems identified in the research conducted by the authors of the literature are also noted during the literature review. Literature review Many scholars are in agreement that there is an urgent and necessary need for a research on the impact of education on health promotion. In regards to the problem statement posed for this topic which is â€Å"During an 18 month period the researcher will design implement and evaluate an HIV/AIDS health promotion program for in patients in a non profit hospital located in los Angeles California†, the literature that has been reviewed dwells specifically on cases that are related to HIV/AIDS. Le Blanc (1993) tries to understand to what extent the Americans know about HIV/AIDS. He tries to understand what sort of information they are familiar with, whether it is about how one can be infected or it is about how to manage the problem once it has been established that one has contracted the disease There has been growing concern of why the spread of HIV/AIDS is still high. The statistics show that the rate of infection is still high yet has been so much advancement made in recognizing how to avoid contracting it. The research is aimed at establishing why this is so and this is to be done in a non-profit making hospital so as to establish which other causes other than money are involved in the lack of protection from contracting the HIV virus. An alarmingly huge percentage of those who are infected do not even know it and may thus spread the virus unknowingly (Brandon W. R. 1999). Despite there being many ways of aiding those who are infected, if one does not know their positive sero-status there is no way that they can benefit from all the research that has been taking place. It has been identified that specific groups of people in the society do not benefit from the researches done because they are sidelined when it comes to obtaining information on the prevention and management of the ailment. Economic hardships experienced by both health workers and those in need of the information limits their ability to get this information (Grusky O. , Liu H. & Johnson M. 2002). This is because none is able to obtain the literature required to keep up to date with what is happening in the world of research. If the health care providers do not have the information then it is hard for the local layman to have more information than they have. Once a person is infected it is also difficult for them to access quality medical care if one does not have money to take care of this. The other people who are even denied medical care are the homosexuals. (Baumgartner T. C Jnr 1998). When it was first discovered, it was assumed to be a disease for the homosexuals and it was supposed to be a punishment for their ‘un-natural’ sexual tastes’. They were therefore stigmatized and up to date they are treated differently by some of the staff in the medical care centers. By ignoring the effects that their attitudes have on the psychology of these patients makes them unwilling to go to these centers to obtain medical care. There is therefore a need to look in to the emotional health of these people. There is also need to modify the medical curriculum so that it may accommodate the minorities in the teachings. This is because if has been noted that these people are not mentioned in the curriculum. It has also been established that the number of young people who are infected is very high and thus the need to introduce policies that will work to help these students live a normal life in school despite their positive serostatus (Committee on Pediatric AIDS 2000). These children have been seen as having the same cognitive ability as those who have tested negative for the virus and therefore should be allowed to attain as high an education as they can manage before the ravages of the disease catches up with them. In the United States, there have been laws and policies passed that protect the rights of such students. There are also outlines of how the school personnel should handle the students who are both affected and infected by the virus. The authors note various ways in which the HIV virus is transmitted and these include unsafe sexual practices, intravenous drug use and also being transmitted to the unborn child by the mother. The best place to provide health related education to young people is in the schools because that is where most young people are to be found everyday (Kolbe L. J. , Talley R. C. & Short R. J. 1999). By using schools to reach out to young people, the health service providers will be able to reach more youths especially those with inadequate resources and thus improve their health. Once the health issues of the youths have been addressed then it is easier for the students to perform much better in their academic pursuit. WHO describes health promotion as being the process that enables the people be able to increase their control over their health and thus be able to improve it. For the people to be able to lead wholesome lives, they have to be well psychologically emotionally and physically (WHO Europe 1986). There is therefore need for the incorporation of psychology treatment in the promotion of health (Leviton L. C 1996). Psychology seems to be aimed at temporally strategies while the public health infrastructure dwells more on long-term strategies. This then means that neither can work in the absence of the other and so they have to be coordinated for them to achieve optimum ability to promote health. It is very important that the ideological part of health promotion and practical part are all combined to bring about a wholesome outlook of the health promotion. (Davies J. K. & MacDonald G. 1998). This is where the ideas developed in psychology are put into practice through the public health infrastructure. There are questions raised on the effect of education relating to sexuality of the youths. There is a debate that it may cause early exploration of the youth about sex (http://www. seicus. org). However those who want it introduced and implemented in schools insist that it is important for it to be used in schools because it helps the youth have more information on sexual issues. Youths are already involved in sexual intercourse and it would be best for them to be educated on the safe practices that can be used to avoid unwanted pregnancies and infection by various STDS including HIV/AIDS infection. This will make them more aware of the various ways in which they can be able to protect themselves and thus promoting their own health. On top of this, there is a need for the academic personnel to be trained on how to deal with infected students. Not only are the teachers to learn how to deal with these students but also they go ahead to teach the rest of the students on how they should live with these students who are infected. The community in general has to be involved in the promotion of health promotion should always be the priority in the society and all the policies that are put in place should be aimed at improving their knowledge base concerning health. The various ways in which their health can be improved in terms of prevention and management should be adequately communicated to them through the various health providers found in the community. In doing this and further reducing the cost of attaining the health services the members of the community would be able to improve their ability to determine their health status and thus be more productive in the society.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Developmental Influences And Considerations A Case Study...

Developmental Influences and Considerations: A Case Study of Sharon There are a variety of theories surrounding the development of human beings, and the correlation of these stages of development related to substance abuse and dependence, is critical for individualized and competent treatment strategies. Developmental theories, such as Erik Erikson’s Stage Theory, provide a general applicable progression by age, but also factors in biology, environment, and unique personality characteristics within one’s development (Van Wormer Davis, 2018). This paper will examine the specific case study of Sharon, her proposed stage of development, and its perceived role in her substance use disorder. Two risk factors will be identified, as well as†¦show more content†¦Currently, Sharon is navigating Erickson’s Stage of Intimacy vs Isolation, in an effort to experience love: at this time, she is using alcohol and shallow human connection as a substitute for deep and meaningful human relationships that promote unconditional love (Vogel -Scibilia et Al., 2009). Risk Factors Related to Developmental Stage of Client The first identified risk factor for Sharon, particularly during the stage intimacy vs isolation, is co-dependent relationships. KovaÄ , Vukadin, ZoriÄ ić, Peco, and Vukić (2014) discussed the impact of socio-environmental factors for drinking behaviors in women, describing the ways in which women mimic the drinking patterns of significant people in their life, including significant others. Brewer (2006) described the progression of alcoholism in women as placing them outside of normal society and in the company of alcoholics, or even worse in Sharon’s case, further isolation. Additionally, and due to Sharon’s internal drive for deep connection with others, she is at risk at entering a relationship with another alcoholic. Women have greater chances of becoming intimately involved with a partner who is dependent on substances (Van Wormer Davis, 2018). The second identified risk factor for Sharon as a fema le, is the use of alcohol as a primary coping strategy for life stressors and negative feelings. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Differences between American and Chinese Business Values

Each of the cultures is a set of beliefs, values and attitudes that shaped by local conditions and values based on the various sector of history, cultural issues, economics and politics, geographical and also personal characteristics and beliefs. In the other hand, globalization is overwhelming and spread tremendously through the world, individual in different countries starting to have similar tastes and preferences towards the products, yet, the business strategies and cultural issues are overlapping. Moreover, people possessed several of cultural senses and beliefs in views, opinions, and perhaps in decision making, that there will be more understanding and the ability to cope with different cultures. There are similarities between American and Chinese which is in business ethic values, assimilation of current cultures, punctuality, and consensus: 1. Business ethic values Ethical behavioural is which how a people act in a same way to define right and wrong with an indifferent situation. Even though American and Chinese obtain totally different cultures but there is a very similar in conducting ethic codes in business practices. Based on research, more than 94% of the American and Chinese against toward of unfollowed the company policy, illegal, bribe, and unethical issues. Besides, they have high sense of social responsibility and environmental conscious to create well-being to society. Both of the countries are profit and task orientated but just the degree matterShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between American And Chinese Cultures932 Words   |  4 Pagesexploring the differences in overall cultural value structures among different cultures has gradually grew business’s attention across the world. 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