Friday, May 22, 2020

The Case Of Captain Alden - 846 Words

Furthermore, according to Boyer and Nissenbaum, â€Å"it [was] clear that the girls themselves did not actually know most of the people they named.† This brings out the possibility that the trails were biased towards certain people. For example, in the case of Captain Alden, most of the afflicted girls were unable to recognize him until â€Å"a man standing behind one of the [girls] whispered into her ear.† In this case the girls were clueless on who Alden was until somebody identified him. Interestingly enough, when the girl’s interrogator asked her how she was able to identify Alden she claimed that, â€Å"the man told her so.† This account helps to show how some people could had an influence on the outcome of the trials. When a victim couldn t identify the specter, people around would them bombard the victim with names. Some accounts also seem to suggest that Samuel Parris and his supporters terrorized villagers and even had some controlled over the t rials. Considering that his two daughter were among the first to become â€Å"bewitch† it would make sense for Samuel Parris to take advantage of situation to get certain people out of the way. A closer examination of these cases lead historians to believe that neighborhood tiffs between opposite sides of Salem had a role in the escalation of trials. According to Boyer and Nissenbaum, There were fourteen accused witches who lived within the bounds of Salem (35) Most of the accused were considerate around the eastern side of the village. InShow MoreRelatedThe Open Window, By Hernando Tellez1321 Words   |  6 Pagesliterature from all around the world provide one. The themes of H.H. Munro’s The Open Window, Hernando Tà ©llez’s Just Lather, That’s All, and Alden Nowlan’s The Fall of a City, all relate to humanity, and our roles in society. 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