Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Reporting Abuses free essay sample

Every child must be protected from harm because it can cause many negative effects like trauma, physical and psychological disorders and any other illness that may effect their growth. So, the government makes a law that helps the child from being abused. This law can be found on Penal Code Section 11164 – 1174.4.3 (California Child Abuse and Neglect Law, 2007). This law aims to protect children and to give the rights of every child. This law also states that failure to report any abuses will consider a crime. In this way, everyone will be aware that they have the responsibility to protect every child, even if you don’t know them (California Child Abuse and Neglect Law, 2007). There are several cases of child abuse in our society but with the help of other people, it has been stopped like the story of Jenny (not her real name). She is a 4 year-old girl that lives with her father. We will write a custom essay sample on Reporting Abuses or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Her mother was in the other country to work. Jenny was abused by his father and the poor little kid can’t do anything. One concerned neighbor report this incident. She reports all the maltreatment Jenny’s father do. Jenny’s father was caught and the child was claimed by the social welfare society until her mother arrives. Now, Jenny is living with her mother and her father was still in jail. This incident is an example of child protection. Jenny’s neighbor, even though she never knew her, helps Jenny and gives her the right to enjoy childhood. Based on Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals, we must protect them from any harm. We must guide, educate, and provide them what they need for them to grow physically, psychologically and socially normal (Ethical Standards of Human Service Professionals, 1996). Reporting child abuses doesn’t mean that you won’t get any protection. The law also states that any reporters will get the protection needed to protect them. In this way, the concerned people won’t be afraid of reporting anyone who commits this crime. Their identity will remain confidential and they will have immunity for civil and criminal liability. The government also ensures that every report is true because if it is false, the reporter will suffer the consequences (The Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Childrens Sport in

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