Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sitting on the Bench free essay sample

Do you know what it feels like to sit on the bench? Watch everyone make the spectacular catch or the perfect hit? Unfortunately I was in that position. My sophomore year of high school was great, I was the captain of my J. We will write a custom essay sample on Sitting on the Bench? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page V. football team, I had a great bunch of great friends and I was on the J.V. baseball team. I was thrilled to be playing another year of baseball for my great school, Arrowhead. Their was a problem, I had two other kids at my positions and they were great players. My coach gave me a chance to start at that position the second game into the season and o man did I screw up. I had errors left and right and couldn’t hit the ball if my life depended on it. After that game I thought I would never play an inning for the rest of my J.V. career. Couple of weeks went by and I didn’t play, but I hung in there and went to all the practices and games routing on my teammates. Then came the first game I came back. I didn’t start the game but coach had me hit for a person on the team. We didn’t have just any normal team; we broke the record for a J.V. team for best record with 23 wins and 2 losses. As I stepped in the batter box I take a big swing and missed and the count now is zero balls and one strike. I took a deep breath, got all of the nerves out and on the next pitch hit a line drive into left field, bringing home a run. By me bringing that runner in, that ended up being the game winning RBI. I will never forget that year. I enjoyed every game I played and didn’t play. I am the most blessed person to be on that baseball team with the greatest guys and friends a teammate could have.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Write Perfect Research Paper †

How to Write Perfect Research Paper The Role of Research Paper in Academics and Life Many students wonder how to write a great research paper as far as this project often weighs 20% of the course grade or even more. Even if you’re not a student any longer, you might want to compose a perfect research paper as a part of your business presentation or scientific report. On the whole, the following skills are required to come up with A+ research paper: Reading Writing Research Gathering information Analytical skills Knowledge of particular subject check the levelThis way, teachers and professors around the world check the level of student’s knowledge. Once defining the weak sides of the students, teachers think of the new approach to education.   Students and professionals create research papers basically to impress the target audience, obtain wide recognition, and get promoted. Students write these projects to get the highest grades and pass the course as well. The Goals of Research Paper Before writing, one has to understand the main purposes of this assignment they are: To inflate weak ideas Obscure poor reasoning Inhibit clarity Thus, the research paper has to be clear, concise, and built in a logical manner. Moreover, it should cover an issue which is relevant for the current society. That is why you should find sources that are no elder than 5 years. To achieve the desired results, students have to practice a lot. That is why various essays are assigned before the research or term paper. Every small paper is given to get students prepared for a time-consuming, complex work. You must realize that any essay communicates your ideas. THE PRIMARY GOAL IS TO INFECT THE MIND OF YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE WITH YOUR SPECIFIC THOUGHTS, LIKE A VIRUS. The best ideas come up when a student combines his own judgments with those made by famous people today and ages ago. Online writing services were designed to help students and young professionals with their writing projects. Step-by-Step Writing In brief, the general scheme of writing a research paper looks this way: Idea ⇒ Do research  Ã¢â€¡â€™ Write project Do you wish to observe more steps? The entire process can be described in more details which can be found further in the text. Select a topic Brainstorm and write down all possible ideas that come to your mind. Unless your teacher assigns the topic for your academic assignment, you have to pick one based on your ideas. If you have no idea, listen to the points of other people. Search for the sources Your sources have to be relevant and up-to-date. Including outdated sources is possible only when the main idea has not changed for ages. For instance, various economic terms have not changed since Ancient Rome. Still, the numerical data for accounting or financial research paper has to be gathered from the recent sources. Teachers are usually interested in the latest statistics. Part of the information must be influenced by your own thoughts. The primary sources for a good research paper include: Textbooks Books Academic articles Scientific journals Newspapers Magazines Reports Documentaries Audio tapes You can get some online or attend traditional library and save money. Read each online or published source carefully before using ideas from it. Your research can be both qualitative and quantitative. Humanitarian disciplines won’t require a quantitative research to be applied. However, it is impossible to ignore the quantitative studies when preparing a paper for Accounting, Statistics, or Finances classes. By the way, Statistics class will teach you everything you have to know about the research process. Mind your resources Usually, you need nothing more than your computer or laptop, opened Word, and internet access. However, there are times when you might need to create a presentation to support your academic project. You might want to use PowerPoint or Acrobat as well as various pictures and other additional materials. Also, you might demand real-life examples to show in class during your presentation. Prepare introduction Start working on your first draft. The most important thing you have to do in the first paragraph of your research paper is to state a thesis. Thesis statement reflects your main topic’s idea. Also, your introduction must explain the reason for choosing this topic out of many. Make an outline Once you are done with your thesis and introduction, develop an outline to serve as the plan. An outline has to be located on the second separate page after your title page. In other words, it looks like a table of contents. Arrange your notes Your notes and footnotes have to be united in one whole piece. Delete information which repeats. Each of the points you mention in a research paper’s body needs support, so be careful when organizing the data. Make a final draft After you handle all your footnotes and notes, work on the final draft of your academic task. By following the rules of the chosen writing style APA, Turabian, etc.), you must keep an eye on the organization of your ideas. They all should relate to your thesis and be logically interconnected. You may insert a question from time to time to encourage your reader. To support your thoughts, there should be some quotations added too. Cite them properly using one of the writing style guides. Do not forget to list all the referred sources at the end of your paper. To do so, develop a separate Bibliography or page. Obey this check-list Put a tick in front of each category you managed to cope with: Is my thesis statement concise and understandable? Did I keep to my outline as a plan? Are all arguments written in a logical manner? Are all used sources properly cited? Are there any plagiarized parts? Was my thesis statement supported by the powerful arguments and facts? Were my goals and points clear in the final paper? Revise edit the final draft Don’t hurry to get rid of your research paper. Before submitting any academic work, you have to check it twice or even more, times to make sure no grammar or spelling mistakes were missed. Check your punctuation as well. Various plagiarism tools will help to detect any copied parts of the text. There is always some time left to edit your text. But you should mind the deadline. If you are late with your paper, rely on writing and editing services where you can buy custom research paper without any delays.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Concerning as an Adjective

Concerning as an Adjective Concerning as an Adjective Concerning as an Adjective By Maeve Maddox If hearing the word concerning used as an adjective to mean â€Å"causing anxiety† gives you a chalkboard moment, you may as well get used to it. The usage has yet to make its way into all the dictionaries, but it has hit the mainstream and it won’t be turned back. For about 200 years, concerning has been functioning quite happily as a preposition to mean any of the following: regarding relating to with reference to referring to with regard to as regards with respect to respecting dealing with on the subject of in connection with re apropos of Supporters of the adjectival use of concerning point to the definition in the OED: â€Å"that gives cause for anxiety or distress.† The one citation given for this usage is from Pamela (1740), the overwrought epistolary novel by Samuel Richardson. Pamela is a virtuous young maidservant resisting the overtures of her employer. Here is the passage in which concerning means â€Å"anxiety-producing.† The words not in quotations belong to Pamela’s narration: â€Å"Well,† said he, â€Å"if you won’t eat with me, drink at least with me.† I drank two glasses by his over-persuasions, and said, â€Å"I am really ashamed of myself.† â€Å"Why, indeed,† said he, â€Å"my dear girl, I am not a very dreadful enemy, I hope! I cannot bear any thing that is the least concerning to you.† Elsewhere, Richardson uses concerning conventionally, as a preposition: â€Å"Mrs. Jewkes has directions concerning you.† I hope, whatever be your honour’s intention concerning her, you will not be long about it. Have mercy on me, and hear me, concerning that wicked woman’s usage of me. To perform a Google Ngram search, I used the phrase â€Å"very concerning† to get an idea of the adjectival use of concerning. The phrase is effectively flat-lined in American English until 1972; it begins to take off in the late 1980s. My guess is that political writers and other media manipulators rediscovered adjectival concerning as a useful euphemism for words that might frighten voters or consumers. Compare: Increased juvenile drug use is disturbing. Increased juvenile drug use is concerning. The possibility of more terroristic attacks is a cause for concern. The possibility of terroristic attacks is concerning. The rise in global temperatures is troubling. The rise in global temperatures is concerning. It seems to me that concerning has the effect of distancing a perceived threat by making it seem to be a matter to be watched, but perhaps not one to get too excited about for the present. Whatever the reasons for the current popularity of concerning as an adjective to describe anything that causes concern, it has certainly caught on in American speech. If you find yourself looking for an alternative, here’s a list of possibilities: alarming bothersome disquieting distressing disturbing nerve-racking perturbing scary troubling unsettling upsetting worrisome worrying Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a US Business LetterFive Spelling Rules for "Silent Final E"How to Send Tactful Emails from a Technical Support Desk

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 14

Economic - Essay Example In times preceding the period of Renaissance, regions in the European continent were divided in forms of principalities. The Pope of the church was considered to be the representative of God and King of a principality was considered to be the representative of Pope. Common men in the principalities did not have the freedom to undertake decisions regarding any facets of livelihood. After this era of brutality and cruelty on mankind, Europe faced the age of â€Å"rebirth† or Renaissance. Following that, Europe experienced a socialistic economic system for a long period of time. However, from the theory of Karl Marx, it can be stated that towards end of the 18th century, economy of Western Europe had experienced a capitalistic form of market system. The capitalist class in the economy were the merchants, who owned land as well as newly invented and superior state of technology (Hoffman, 2000). The labour resource, at that point of time, was almost utilized a non-living materialis tic resource. The population of the nations of Western Europe were significantly increasing. The economies were subjected to product and food crisis. Land owning farmers started to sell off their lands for establishing new factories. Crisis and scarcity forced economies to become more productive in nature. So, in order to become more productive, economies undertook the process of industrialization in Western Europe in early 19th century. Colonial rule became a common method of territory expansion for these Western European nations as economies required adequate raw agricultural inputs from its conquered colonies, for sustaining the demand for its new industrial sector. Industrialization had initially taken place in the economy of Japan in Asia, in the second-half of 19th century. However, in the latter half of 20th century, industrialization was experienced in other major economies of the Asian Continent, like, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Econ Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Econ Assignment - Essay Example This article states example of China, India etc where the local demand has grown steadily and to a vast amount-as pointed out by a global strategist ;Andrew Milligan, who believes that these changes may be sufficient enough to outset the negative repercussions of the US economy. Some economies are recovering on the belief pointed above. China is being touted as the next Dynamo while the emerging economies are being heavily focused on as being the next to replace the US. They hold a quarter of the world’s GDP-same as the US. However, despite all the positive notes going around-there is still skepticism over whether the US can be actually replaced by these economies. Another important thing that has to be noted is the credit crunch-the recent downfall in the global economy has been due to the credit tightening activities which are not in sync with the infrastructure development and demand for energy and commodities-cause of the emerging markets success. If one was to analyze the global scenario, it could be seen that there are two economies which are primarily responsible for either producing or consuming most of the world’s products and services. One is the Asian giant; China and the other is the eternal giant; the United States of America. However, both show a very different picture as while one has been amassing increasingly large sized account deficits, the other has been increasing its expenditures in order to increase its current account surpluses. In the present times, it can be seen that the US economy has suffered intensely due to its collapsing stock markets, decreasing consumer demand, falling housing sector, auto sector, and decreasing durable goods consumption which all resulted in one of the worse recessions which the US economy has ever suffered. This time the usual economy savers are also not in a position

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Starbucks Corporation Essay Example for Free

Starbucks Corporation Essay Problem:The problem is anti-globalization which makes more difficult for Starbucks to enter in new markets. Symptoms:1. Protests from anti-globalization activists. 2. If those activists have enough media power it leads to international scandals sometimes even involvement of celebrities (who also might be activists of anti-globalization). And finally the worst situation for Starbucks:3. They receive push-backs in new markets. That is why Starbucks needs to establish some systematic method or decision process which would work equally around the world by helping to say: To open new shop in certain place or not!?Alternatives:I. To try to solve problems with anti-globalization activists. +/- If Starbucks could solve this worldwide conflict they would go in the history, but by my mind it is impossible to speak with those people by continuing to go globally. It is in what they believe and they will not change their mind. II. To work with the media of regions they want to go in. Everybody knows that big power is in hands of people who have good relationships with the biggest media. Starbucks has to use it:†¢Maybe they has to involve in requirements for their next foreign partners that they need to be in good relations with mass media (like biggest newspapers and TV channels):+ They could overpower anti-globalization activists. + They could make better PR of themselves. Then it could start some media wars, because they can not be sure that some of media companies also are not anti-globalists. It could be quite a hard for Starbucks to find such a partner with the required contacts. III. To promote loudly and more active that they have very friendly Environmental Mission Statement. Spend money that this message would go globally. + Nowadays, when there is so much pollution and foodstuffs becomes modified Starbucks should make global marketing campaign where they would tell everybody that how their work is to: instilling environmental responsibility as a corporate value and that they uses environmental products.- It will require big money. IV. For each market to work out the strategy that they uses the coffee from the best coffee fields of this particular country where they are planning to go in. + It means that they can show in the numbers how many working places they will give and that coffee growers in this country will not gong to suffer, but at the same time in the coffee shops for those who want it they also offers coffees from different regions around the world. Of course it is not 100% diminishing the possibility of anti-globalist activities. V. In place of searching partnerships in the new place to sell franchises. Franchise vs. Partnership:+ This person would be more interested that there would not be push-backs because he will be 100% owner of Starbucks coffee shop/s.- For the person who buys franchise it would be more difficult to open Starbucks because opening costs for one coffee shop is high. + He will know better the ethical things which Starbucks can not step over. It will be harder for franchiser to catch up this know-how which Starbucks has and he can loose the Starbucks identity. + It is always more acceptable for the locals if it is international but belongs to the local guy and even more better if it is well known person or this fact is nicely showed in the media.- For the franchiser it will be more complicated to follow the statements of the employment policys benefits packages, shares for employees est. Partnership vs. Franchise:+ Starbucks owns its coffee shops and has to pay to his partner 20 to 50%.- Starbucks it is not local they are Americans. + Starbucks has very good and well established know-how of everything starting from choosing coffee and ending with their employee polices. + Starbucks can make one and united mission statement and goals and what are the most important they can control it. + By giving franchise Starbucks can not control the brand is it made correctly, even Starbucks has not standardized places, but they adapt their coffee shop to each place and culture. + Starbucks cant be 100% sure that their partner will be the right person and will bring the best ideas and outcomes. Recommendations:I would choose to implement Alternative # III and # IV. To make louder marketing campaigns, to make better and louder PR that is what is needed for Starbucs. To become more local they need to support locals. I would suggest doing it because Starbucks are very profitable company which means that they can spend more money for good PR and many charity activities in the country they are or want to go in. Implementation:Global marketing campaigns:1st step:To come together and to decide what kind of activities they could support in each country whether it would be one system for all or case by case decision. My suggestions would be:It would be better that all society in each country  they come in would feel that they bring not only American coffee shops but also something to their nation or community. That is why I would choose to implement case by case decision what kind of charity support it will be. ~ For Example: Also as I mentioned to make some Coffee Planters Associations in each country where they come in and in which country can be planted coffee. It would make better relationships with society and also they will gain the opportunity to get good coffee (they can also educate planters). ~ For Example: They can open in each country some Starbucks Rio (as example) Interests Organization where they could for example support youngster graffiti contests (it is only as example, because in Rio they had vandalism cases (but this example is only in case if this is the real problem), so, the main thing is that they need to find core of the problem points when they will come in new place and by smart and intelligent ways to solve it. It means that: 1st they have to find out what problems they will facing in this new place and 2nd only after finding some interesting and socially responsible way to solve this problem to go publicly with the announcement that they will open Starbucks in this place. That will help to make good PR for Starbucks before entering the market. 2nd step:To decide how to promote globally that they are very friendly to the environment?My suggestions would be:As I told it is very important that company is friendly to the environment. Starbucks has to show it and best way is to show with the help of promotions. They have to hire the best and most creative promotion agency and together think about the strategy they can show their attitude to the environment. In general:I can suggest improving the relationships with mass media and try to find out why they are writing or showing what they do and creating bad PR for Starbucks. I can suggest working more with governments of the places where they want to go in because we know that governments have an access to mass media. I would suggest never overstepping ethical issues of countries. But more of everything I would suggest to stay as friendly as they are and try to conquer societys hearts by building that they are not Americans but they are cosmopolitans and their Starbucks in particular country is not any more American Starbucs but completely adapted to the country they come in. stategic managemet 7th edition. charles w.hill and gareth r.jones

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bruce Lee :: essays research papers

Bruce Lee is one of the most well known martial artists in the world. Robert Clouse remembers his first meeting with Bruce Lee very vividly. Robert recalls that: â€Å"The first time he meet you, you’d expect him to shake hands but instead he’d step back and flick out his foot so fast you could feel the air move right at the tip of your nose. Then he’d take your hand and place it on his stomach. It was kind of his calling card.† Bruce Lee is known around the world as being one of the best marital artists ever. Throughout his entire career in martial arts, he only lost one fight. That fight occurred at the early age of only thirteen when he was attacked by a gang, and because of this he started training in the martial arts. At an early age, Bruce Lee was already in show business. He appeared in his first movie at the age of three months old. He then appeared in three movies at the age of six and later in childhood appeared in a few other films. However, his movie career did not end there. Later as an adult he stared in well known movies such as: Fists of Fury, The Chinese Connection, Return of the Dragon, and Enter the Dragon. Not only was he in the movies, but he also wrote and directed some of them. He also appeared on television many times. His biggest appearance on television was when he co-starred in the series called The Green Hornet. Now the thing about Bruce Lee is that he wasn’t just some stuntman/actor, he really knew martial arts and knew them almost to perfection. He started out training in Wing Chun Kung-Fu. Later on he started the first Jun Fan Kung-Fu institute in Seattle, a second one in Oakland, and the third one in Los Angeles. He also has trained some very well known fighters such Chuck Norris and Kareem Abdul Jabar. Not only did he train in Kung-Fu, but he also developed his own style of martial arts called Jeet Kune Do, which means â€Å"The art of the intercepting fist.† This style included techniques from all styles of fighting, such as: American Boxing, Thai Kick Boxing, and Japanese Karate. He wrote a couple books on his training and techniques in Kung-Fu and Jeet Kune Do. His most well known and mind blowing move is called the â€Å"One-Inch Punch,† this is where he would hold his arm straight out just an inch away from your body, and with a shrug of his shoulder, could knock a man straight across the ground.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Raging Achilles: Achiles’ Tragic Flaw

In the Iliad, Homer’s character Achilles embodies many of the characteristics of a hero including strength, quickness, leadership, and particularly, courage. During the Trojan War, Achilles battles courageously, destroying and killing every man in his path without any sign of fear or retreat. No Achaean questions his abilities nor do they doubt his bravery; they cite him as one of their greatest warriors without whom they would have lost the war. However, according to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Achilles does not exemplify a man with true courage at all due to one simple character flaw. Ironically, this acute flaw is mentioned in the first line of the Iliad: his spirited temper. According to Aristotle, a spirited temper prevents heroic men, like Achilles, from attaining a true courage because it alters the intentions behind their actions. Closer analysis of Achilles’ spirited temper and its consequences illustrates that by Aristotle’s definition, Achilles does not possess true courage, but merely a resemblance of it. Aristotle begins his argument by classifying a spirited temper as a quality similar to courage, claiming that anger propels a man to confront his fears. Aristotle states â€Å"nothing makes a man as ready to encounter dangers as a spirited temper† (3. 8. 1116b. 27), implying that a courageous man must be spirited. However, despite these claims, Aristotle counters, stating that possessing a spirited temper does not necessarily mean one automatically acquires true courage. He asserts that while a spirited temper can provide a truly courageous man (one with noble intentions) with support, a spirited temper can also deter a man from being truly courageous by altering his motives and incentives. Since a spirited temper lends to anger and passion, these often replace reason and knowledge as the incentive behind the actions of courageous men, such as in the case of Achilles. These emotions then result in a variety of consequences for the owner, including blindness due to anger, a likeness to beasts, and an obsession with revenge. A close examination of Achilles and his actions reveals how his spirited temper changes his motivation, and consequently inhibits him from being truly courageous in an Aristotelian sense. The basis of a spirited temper is anger, which Aristotle both praises and criticizes. On one hand, anger overcomes fear and gives man the courage to face his fears. However, anger can also influence man’s ability to think and dominate his motivations and desires. Thus, anger can catapult man to commit actions not out of courage, but out of passion. For example, in the Iliad, Achilles’ anger transcends his ability to reason and consequently impels him to engage in battle with the river god Scamander after being insulted. Even after almost being killed by the river, Achilles anger prevents him from leaving the river and so, he â€Å"[surges] on†¦with high hurdling strides, charging against the river† (21. 42-343). Aristotle states that anger must be experienced under the â€Å"right circumstances and with the right people, and also in the right manner, at the right time, and for the right length of time† (4. 5. 1125b. 32-34). In Achilles’ case, he exhibits none of these. Achilles directs his anger for Hector towards the wrong targ et, the river. In addition, he holds onto his anger longer than he should and simultaneously risks his life. According to Aristotle, Achilles is therefore short-tempered and does not possess a true courage. His anger overtakes his reasoning abilities, driving him to commit undesirable acts and leaving him without noble intentions. Achilles’ anger also affects his perceived physical state of being and further alters his motives by fueling his desires for revenge. In Aristotle’s argument, he explains that men provoked by spirited tempers are comparable to beasts and therefore not courageous. In the Illiad, Homer often describes Achilles analogous to an animal. During the battle, Achilles is depicted as â€Å"rearing like some lion† (20. 94) and â€Å"thundering on, on like oxen broad in the brow† (20. 560). These descriptions illustrate a lack of restraint and semblance to a wild beast, thus further supporting the argument that Achilles is not in fact courageous. Aristotle states that â€Å"wild beasts are motivated by pain†¦thus they are not courageous, because they are spurred by†¦a roused temper to rush into danger†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (3. 8. 1116b. 33-3 6). Achilles epitomizes this Aristotelian idea by acting in response to a base emotion: anger. Rather than being motivated by reason or knowledge, Achilles allows his anger to stimulate him. Consequently, this anger causes Achilles to lose parts of his humanity and bringing him closer to his animalistic base, which is further reflected in descriptions of his actions. Homer describes how â€Å"Achilles charged, wild, hurtling toward [Aeneas], loosing a savage cry† (20. 327). Not only does this portray a baser, less human side of Achilles, but it also supports Aristotle’s idea that those who rush into danger blinded by their anger do not foresee the perils in store. In this case, despite Aeneas’ inferiority in ability, he is able to take this opportunity of momentary blindness to attack Achilles. This example illustrates Aristotle’s argument that Achilles’ spirited temper makes him similar to nothing more than a wild beast lacking true courage. Aristotle’s definition of courage also states that revenge as motivation corrupts true courage and leaves only a resemblance of courage. Achilles exemplifies a man who allows anger to fuel his desire for vengeance to distort his natural courage and purpose, leaving only a likeness of courage. Homer describes explicitly that Achilles’ motivation to enter the battle lies in his desire for revenge. Upon learning of Patroclus’ death, Achilles immediately declares that he will enter the battle. Achilles proclaims, â€Å"Despite my anguish I will beat it down, the fury mounting inside me, down by force. But now I’ll go and meet that murderer head-on, that Hector who destroyed the dearest life I know† (Homer 18. 134-138). After having obstinately refused to enter the battle despite the promises of riches and glory, Achilles allows his desire for revenge to propel him into battle almost instantaneously. In fact, as the battle progresses, Achilles’ desire for revenge begins to resemble an obsession. He refuses to release his anger towards Hector, stating his desire for revenge even halfway through the battle. Achilles says, â€Å"But now, Patroclus†¦I shall not bury you, no, not till I drag back here the gear and head of Hector, who slaughtered you† (Homer 17. 387-390). This quote illustrates Achilles’ complete fixation with revenge. Thus, according to Aristotle, he no longer acts through courage, but through obsession. While it is arguable that Achilles’ lack of fear of death makes him courageous, his basic motivations, revenge and anger, again prevent him from being truly courageous in the Aristotelian sense. Throughout the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle states man’s incentive as the defining aspect in which to characterize man. In Achilles’ case, his anger-fueled obsession with revenge motivates and supports his ability to fight; therefore, according to Aristotle, Achilles is â€Å"not guided by reason, but by emotion† (3. 8. 1117a. 8). Aristotle further explains that while revenge gives men support and pleasure, it does not imply courage. Aristotle states, â€Å"Although those who fight for this motive are good fighters, they are not courageous, for it is not the incentive of what is noble that makes them fight† (Aristotle 3. 7. 117a. 5). Aristotle concludes his argument by stating that when choice and true purpose guide a spirited temper, a man becomes truly courageous. Achilles, however, motivated by anger and revenge, does not resemble this truly courageous man. While Achilles does not fit this definition, he does nevertheless seem to have some form of cour age arisen from his spirited temper. Aristotle defines this type of courage as a â€Å"natural courage. † Thus, Achilles does not possess true courage, but rather a natural courage governed by his base emotions.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Guyana-Land of Many Waters Essay

Guyana (guy-anna),[6] officially the Co-operative Republic of Guyana,[1] is a sovereign state on the northern coast of South America. Culturally Guyana is part of the Anglophone Caribbean. Guyana is one of the few Caribbean countries that is not an island. The Caribbean Community (CARICOM), of which Guyana is a member, has its secretariat’s headquarters in Guyana’s capital, Georgetown. Guyana was originally colonized by the Netherlands. Later, it became a British colony and remained so for over 200 years until it achieved independence on 26 May 1966 from the United Kingdom. On 23 February 1970, Guyana officially became a republic. In 2008, the country joined the Union of South American Nations as a founding member. Guyana, a member state of the Commonwealth of Nations, is the only South American nation whose official language is English. Historically, the region known as â€Å"Guiana† or â€Å"Guyana† comprised the large shield landmass north of the Amazon River and east of the Orinoco River known as the â€Å"Land of many waters†. Historical Guyana consists of three Dutch colonies: Essequibo, Demerara, and Berbice. Modern Guyana is bordered by Suriname to the east; by Brazil to the south and southwest; by Venezuela to the west; and by the Atlantic Ocean to the north. At 215,000 square kilometres (83,000 sq mi), Guyana is the third-smallest independent state on the mainland of South America after Uruguay and Suriname. Its population is approximately 770,000. The name â€Å"Guyana† is derived from Guiana, the original name for the region that now includes Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and parts of Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the name comes from an Amerindian word meaning â€Å"land of many waters†. here are nine Native American tribes residing in Guyana: the Wai Wai, Machushi, Patamona, Arawak, Carib, Wapishana, Arecuna, Akawaio, and Warrau. Historically the Arawak and Carib tribes dominated Guyana. Although Christopher Columbus sighted Guyana during his third voyage (in 1498), the Dutch were the first to establish colonies: Essequibo (1616), Berbice (1627), and Demerara (1752). After the British assumed control in the late 18th century, the Dutch formally ceded the area in 1814. In 1831 the three separate colonies became a single British colony known as British Guiana. A map of Dutch Guiana 1667–1814. Since Independence in 1824, Venezuela has claimed the area of land to the west of the Essequibo River. Simon Bolivar wrote to the British government warning against the Berbice and Demerara settlers settling on land which the Venezuelans claimed was theirs. In 1899 an international tribunal ruled the land belonged to Great Britain. Map of British Guiana. Guyana achieved independence from the United Kingdom on 26 May 1966 and became a republic on 23 February 1970, remaining a member of the Commonwealth. The US State Department and the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), along with the British government, played a strong role in influencing political control in Guyana during this time. The American government supported Forbes Burnham during the early years of independence because Cheddi Jagan was identified as a Marxist. They provided secret financial support and political campaign advice to Burnham’s People’s National Congress, to the detriment of the Jagan-led People’s Progressive Party, which was mostly supported by Native American Guyanese. In 1978, Guyana received international notice when 918 members of the American cult, Peoples Temple, died in a mass murder/suicide. Most of the suicides were American and more than 300 children were killed; the people were members of a group led by Jim Jones in Jonestown, the settlement which they had created. Jim Jones’ bodyguards had earlier attacked people landing at a small remote airstrip close to Jonestown, killing five people, including Leo Ryan, the only congressman ever murdered in the line of duty in US history. In May 2008, President Bharrat Jagdeo was a signatory to the UNASUR Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations. Guyana has ratified the treaty.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

8 Great Writing Tips for Kids

8 Great Writing Tips for Kids 8 Great Writing Tips for Kids 8 Great Writing Tips for Kids By Ali Hale I’m 33 now (which feels very old!) but I’ve loved writing since I was a kid myself. The very first story I remember writing was about a mouse, when I was five or six. I spent a lot of time writing stories throughout my childhood, and I had a go at my first novel when I was thirteen. Writing has always been one of my favourite things to do and for the last ten years, it’s been what I’ve done for a living. When I was at school, a lot of the writing I did was as part of my school work. At school, your teachers are probably keen for you to know lots of things about writing – like where to put commas, and what nouns and verbs are, and so on. There are lots of great tips out there about how to get things like that right, and I’ll link to some of those for you in this post. I wanted to focus on some tips, though, about enjoying writing and having fun with it and about becoming a better writer overall (not just a better speller)! Here are my best tips on how to keep growing and improving as a writer, however young you are: #1: Have a go at some writing exercises – you can find lots of these online, or you could have a go at them in workbooks or school books. Lots of adults find writing exercises helpful, too, so that they can get better at writing. You can find some great ones to try here. #2: Read a lot. Almost every writer I know is also a keen reader. Try to read a wide range of different things – like classic story books as well as modern ones, non-fiction (factual) books, magazine or newspaper articles, and so on. You’ll come across lots of different ways to write, and you might learn some new words. #3: Keep a little book of new words you learn. Don’t be embarrassed if you don’t understand a word the first time you read it. Sometimes you can guess from the rest of the sentence what it means, but if not, you can just look it up in a dictionary. You might want to ask an adult how to say the new word, too – you could write down how it sounds. For instance, â€Å"matron† is pronounced â€Å"may-tron† (with a long â€Å"a† sound) not â€Å"mah-tron† (with a short â€Å"a† sound), which is how I thought it was said when I first read it in an Enid Blyton story. #4: Try writing stories for children younger than you, or stories that involve children younger than you. This is a great thing to do when you’re still quite young yourself, because you can remember what it’s like to be six or seven. (Adult writers find it hard to remember, and often they create young children characters who are too babyish for their age.) If you have a little brother or sister, or a younger cousin, you could read your stories out to them. #5: Remember that even adults don’t get things right first time. Sometimes I get a spelling wrong, or I write a sentence that’s confusing for my reader. And I’m a professional writer! It’s fine to make mistakes, so don’t worry about getting everything perfect in your first draft. Just make sure you leave a bit of time to go back and edit afterwards (just like adult writers do) so that you can fix any mistakes. #6: Have a go at different types of writing. When I was young, I like to make pretend magazines or newspapers. That’s something that children have enjoyed doing for a very long time – in one of my favourite classic children’s books, The Story of the Treasure Seekers by E. Nesbit, the children in the story make their own newspaper filled with things they’ve written. Maybe you could have a go at making a newspaper to share with your family and friends – or maybe you’d like to write poetry or a play script, or something else entirely. #7: Keep a journal about your day to day life. There are lots of ways to do this – you could write a sentence or two each day, for instance, or you could write a longer piece once a week. You could write about what you’re learning at school, who your friends are, the games you’ve been playing even what you had for lunch! Details that might seem boring now could be really interesting when you read your journal when you’re 20 or 30 or even 80! #8: Ask for help if you get stuck. If there’s something you don’t understand in what you’re reading, or if you can’t work out if something you’ve written is quite right, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most adults will be very glad to give you a hand. You could try a teacher, or a librarian (either at your school library or your local library). If you get to meet any adult writers, perhaps through school or at an event, think up some good questions for them too! I hope you have lots of fun with your writing. It can feel like theres a lot to get right, but (outside of school time) the most important thing is that you enjoy writing. I hope the ideas above help you to get even more out of writing. If you’ve got any tips of your own, why not share them with us in the comments? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"Broadcast vs Broadcasted as Past Form5 Keys to Better Sentence Flow

Monday, November 4, 2019

Benefit and Disadvantagers of Internet

For them, it can enormously help their studies. According to Allen B. Ury (2011), for doing high school or college research, Internet is an essential tool. We can find valuable material on practically any subject within minutes if not seconds by skillfully using Internet search engines and subject directories. By knowing how to effectively search for and cite reputable Web sites can be an essential part of their academic success for those students who taking courses online. As mentioned by Rahul Pandita (2011), Internet has proved to be one of the most innovative inventions for us. It has made its presence felt in every sphere of our life, be it economy, society, health care, spirituality, etc. Prominent among its benefits is the impact it has had on the education sector. Rahul Pandita (2011) also said that students can now gain access to innumerable research papers, apart from getting latest updates in the field of science, technology and almost everything in conjuction of education. But as they say, â€Å"With great power comes great responsibility†, Internet has created new challenges for the society and most threatening among these is the impact it has had on student and children. Young people love to use computers rather than read a book. Web pages  are much more up-to-date than old text books that were previously used for studying, so not only is the information accurate, but it is also designed to engage  students  in a way that they find entertaining. The Internet also allows  students  to research and learn about topics that would previously be unknown to them due to lack of resources. Some schools do not  provide  every single book on a specific subject, but with the Internet, the learning possibilities are limitless, everything is just in their finger tips. The purpose of this task is to discuss about â€Å"The benefits and detrimental effects of Internet on students†. The benefits of internet to student There a few of benefits of internet toward the student : i. A tool to gain information. These days, student’s life without internet is very difficult. They do a lot of work by using the internet especially in searching for information. This is because, gaining information from internet is much more easier than those old books, it can shorten our time. Get online information is the freest way in the world. Nowadays, people need to understand more and more. They want to know the newest news. According to Jayashree Parhare (2011), any kind of information is available on the internet as long as on it is any topic under the sun is. It can be done by using the search engines such as Google, Yahoo are at your service on the internet. There is huge amount of information available on the Internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fair and conference, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is simply endless. According to Ashwini Ambekar (2008), students can use this wealth of information to learn new things about the subjects they are interested in and for their school projects or research and it is particularly relevant. In addition, this internet is a blessing for many schools and universities that are now able to accede projects and work to the students and follow their progress which is can be easily posted on the school or university websites So, since internet provides almost everything, students can use it to help them or to make their work easier on doing research or looking for any information. i. Communication. Communication is very important to a student, and internet one of the way that make student’s communication easier and faster. As a student, they need to see their lecturers, send or submit their task and assignment by hand, call someone by using cellphone which is wasting their money, time and energy. With internet has opened up new avenues for communication, acc ording to Ashwini Ambekar (2008), email facility let people to communicate with somebody with minimum wastage of time. As Matt Remley (2010) said in his article, It is now possible to send an instant message and also voice messaging to any part of the world through a simple email address and the message is delivered in a matter of seconds. According to Stephen Cook (2008), by using the Internet, there are many type of ways that people can get connected with one another. For examples, email, chat, forums, social networking sites, and real-time  video chat websites. Stephen Cook (2008) also mentioned that the Internet is truly spectacular in how it allows us to get in touch with one another which is you can easily talk to anybody on the other side of the world. With this kind of facilities, students will have more time to do other works rather than finish their time on something that can waste their time. iii. Online services. Online service is one of the greatest benefit of internet towards the student. It can make student’s life easier. There are many types of online services, for example online shopping, online banking and others. Online banking is very useful, according to Edward James (2010), you can access your account within 5 minutes, make a payment, request a cheque book. It is not only for those who doing businesses only, but also to anybody who has an account saving. Furthermore, we can set up direct debits and standing orders, cancel direct debits and standing orders, view historic statements. The list is endless. The best part of it is according to Cody Hodge (2010), when you do your banking online, you are going to skip the drive and just get a phone call after submitting a query to the bank. What sounds easier to you is we don’t have to wasting our lunch hour to go to the bank. Next, according to Ram Gupta (2012) in his article, when online shopping was introduced, shoppers feel that involving themselves in it is a risky affair and uncomfortable to reveal their personal information such as credit cards details. But today, things have change and shoppers became confident to use it and get anything under the sun after realize the benefit of it especially to students. There are a few advantages of online shopping according to Mansi Chitranshi  (2009), online services give you variety of choice and also offers us an extensive range of selection. Not only that, but it also available for 24 hours a day which lets you shop anytime, this is very meaningful to student since time is very precious to them. Last but not lease, Mansi Chitranshi (2009) also said that you can find radically lower prices and cheapest deals with online purchasing. iv. Entertainment According to Kaiz Karen (2009), on internet we can search all types of entertainment from watching films to playing games online. Almost anyone can find the right kind of entertainment for themselves according to their taste. When people surf the internet, there are numerous things that can be found on it. Start from music, hobbies, news and more can be found and shared on the Internet. The best part of it which is love by the students is there are numerous games that can be downloaded from the Internet for free without any charge at any time. As Vibhuti Arora (2006) said we can read those funny e-mails from friends or that have been provided by the internet. Not only that, but you can make all your friends around the world laugh. Even if you are not good at cracking jokes, you can simply download them from the internet and forward them to your friends. This kind of entertainment is important to a student. The detrimental effects of the Internet on students i. Web Addiction. Many students find that internet help them a lot in conjunction of helping them to make their learning easier or use it as a tool to find some information. But without noticing, they are actually wasting their time. According to Joanna, Melinda smith and Lawrence Robinson (2012) in their article, people who in unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression, and anxiety, they will turn to the internet just to make them feel better. Joanna, et al. 2012) also stated that the Internet can be an easily accessible outlet when you have a bad day and or to quickly relieve stress or self-soothe or are looking for a way to escape your problems. Losing yourself online can temporarily make feelings such as loneliness, stress, anxiety, depression, and boredom evaporate into thin air and it will definitely drag your time. Lately, internet has provided many social networks such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogs and others. This kind of social networks can drag student’s time a lot because when we sign-in into it, they will get stuck on it. According to Jane Demerica (2009), many people that sign up for the internet find themselves spending endless hours chatting, surfing or â€Å"pimping out† their social networks page. This is an unhealthy addiction and you should probably force yourself to get out of the chair and walk away for a few hours. According to Abhijit Naik (2011) in his article about Facebook addiction, facebook provide new friends, games, event plans and many more. While all these activities are enjoyable, you will forget that you have an actual life to live at times you get so used to them. The time you forget about the fact and start spending your precious time on online, then neglecting yourself as well as people around you, and that mean you are now suffering from this addiction disorder without you notice it. Jane Demerica (2009) also said that, This kind of behavior will disorganize student’s life especially on their schedule. This can lead to unhealthy life for example they will late for their meals which is very important to them, they will be fibrous or not-well taken care because they are too busy with the internet. Last but not lease, as mentioned by Deepa Kartha (2010), student are going ignore their study and it can lead to poor performance at university. ii. Pornography. Jayashree Pakhare said in his article that â€Å"pornography is perhaps the biggest disadvantage of internet. It allows you to access and download millions of pornography photos, videos and other X-rated stuff. Such unrestricted access to porn can be detrimental for children and teenagers. It can even play a havoc in marital and social lives of adults especially to students† (2011). Studies have shown that almost every men and most women have been exposed to pornography as told by Lifesitenew. com (2002). According to Elisbeth Deffner (n. d. ), there were plenty of opportunities for people to view pornographic images or read pornographic material before the Internet became so prevalent which from videos, magazines, and books. But as for now, people can easily access pornographic Web sites in the privacy of their own homes. It’s part of a larger issue called â€Å"sexual addiction,† which is â€Å"any kind of sexual behavior that a person continues to engage in despite negative consequences† says Dr. Omar Minwalla, the clinical supervisor at the Sexual Recovery Institute in Los Angeles. Pornography is like drugs, once we get use to it, we will definitely get addicted by it and for sure will give many disadvantages toward the students. According to Joanna, et al. (2012), students can adversely affect real-life relationships, career, and emotional health by compulsively spending hours on the Internet viewing pornography or engaging in other cybersex activities. It could increase the percentage of misbehavior and these leads to adultery, free sex, and even worst child abandonment. As mention by Rahul Pandita (2011), it can cause them to became either sexually-deviant or sexually-addictive, these phenomenon also course the increase of prevalence sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers especially to a student. He also mentioned that the pornography that is present on the Internet promotes irresponsible sex and creates false notions in the minds of students. According to Stephen Rampur (n. d. ), Individuals who are addicted to this type are mostly teenagers and youngsters. It can have an adverse effect on a child’s attitude towards relationships. People who are addicted to online pornography spend hours watching or downloading porn. iii. Reduced Physical Activity According to Rahul Pandita (2011), since internet provides a lot of games and available to play, it has made most student to shut all outdoor activity. If students are lack of physical activity, they can easily fall prey to a lot of lifestyle related diseases for example obesity, apart from failing to develop interpersonal skills. Rahul Pandita (2011) also mentioned that by sitting continuously in front of a computer screen fot couple of hours can seriously and put a strain on our neck and shoulders and damage our eyes. These factors can create life-long problems for them. As Leena Palande (2011) said, when students are busy with the internet, they will definitely lack of exercise and it is the main morbid obesity causes. student spend most of their time in front of the the computer playing video games or computer games and chat day and night, surfing on the Internet which can lead to possibility of gaining weight. Leena Palande (2011) also mentioned, not only student, Even adults also have to spend most of their time in front of a computer, since computers have become an invariable part of every profession, business, organization and education. Use of machines in every field has reduced physical activity significantly. According to Vinci rufus (n. d. ), students are tent to spend a couple of hours in front of the monitor non-stop and not going out could also cause social problems, the most bad part of it,it will make us shy and introvert. Those who stuck to their machines all day aren’t getting any exercise. As such their bodies start to be fail, especially when they opt for quick-fix meals that aren’t terribly nutritious. This extends to personal hygiene, as well, as we tend not to notice our own stink, said by Matt Bird (2009). v. Cyber-crime Cyber or internet crime can affect students’ life. There has never been a set in stone definition of cybercrime. According to Charlotte Raynor Piiggush (2008), the easiest way to difine cybercrime is any illegal activity done through or by using the internet or on the computer. Uttara Manohar (2011) also defined in his article that internet crime is a recently es calating form of crime that started with the rise of the Internet era. Any criminal activities, which is carried out through the Internet or by means of the Internet, is generally termed as Internet crime. According to Uttara Manohar (2011), there are a few types of internet crime. Here is the example of the criminal activity that indirectly can make students life chaotic. First is hacking, hacking is a process where someone attempts to exploit the security settings of a computer system is known as hacking. The hackers can hack into several websites or personal accounts and threaten the security on the Internet. Every day, students are expose to it, email to a student is a must. Sometimes, by using email is one of the way of hacking. According to M. J. Joachim (2010), Hackers use email addresses to change computer codes, often sending out messages with attachments that read and detect personal information, this always happen to students when are transferring things like bank account numbers, passwords and all sorts of personal information that they use for their own purposes. It is not uncommon for hackers to change passwords of their victim’s private Internet accountssuch as facebook account, email and others, making it impossible for victims to access their own information, simply by obtaining an email address from their prey. Another cyber crime is viruses. As mentioned by Shashank Nakate (2012), These are computer programs which have the potential to harm and give damage to a computer system. According to M. J. Joachim (2010) also said viruses cause millions of dollars in damage, lost data and computer contamination each year. A simple email address is all it takes for savvy cyber criminals to implant dangerous viruses and spread them throughout the Internet. Suggestion Eventhough internet gives us a lot of pleasure and make our life easier, but there will always the side effect of it. If we did not monitor it properly and carefully, it will definitely make us suffer one day and then give damages to our life especially to a student. Since students is one of the biggest user of internet, they are the person who easily receive the impact. Thus, it is very important to them to know how to cope and avoid these problem. Here is some suggestion on how to combat it. i. Internet addiction One of the biggest problem of internet is web addiction. Internet can drag our time unnoticeable. As mentioned by Elizabeth Hartney (2011), one of the way is by knowing the symptoms of Internet addiction. Knowledge is the greatest thing, and knowing all the symptoms of internet addiction will make you to evaluate your own online behavior and be aware of any symptoms that might be dragging your time. Elizabeth Hartney (2011) also emphasize to monitor your own internet usage and behavior. keep track of your internet behavior with my internet tracking form. Use the guidelines that come with it to evaluate your own internet behavior, not what you see or believe other students are doing. Drea Christopher (2010) propose to learn to limit your time carefully by keeping a timer by the computer and only allow yourself a limited amount of hours to spend on the Internet each day or week. ii. Pornography Since porn becoming more easily available through the Internet, some people may struggle with an addiction to it. So, it is very important to student to avoid it because if they continue with it, it will ruin their physical and also health. According to Katy Linsao, et al (2012) there are a few step on how to avoid it. First, make sure that you know that you are an addict. Then, find something else to do to occupy your time and mind, it is because you will not think about porn. You can manage it by going somewhere or spend time with friends. Katy et. Al. (2012) also mentioned, the best part of it is by find a support group or get qualified therapist who can provide guidance. According to Abdul Malik (2011), make sure that you are surfing web when others are around. iii. Reduced Physical Activity Since students relay so much on internet, they are tent to spend a lot of time with. Without noticing that they are actually wasting their time. But, the bad part of it is it can affect student physical problems or health. So it is very important to them to avoid it so because prevent is better that cure. There are many ways to overcome it. First, get yourself busy with other activties rather than finish your time on the internet, such as going for a movie with your friend, sports and others. Socializing is very important. The most important of it is, get some exercise to make yourself fit or get sweet. You also can have a hobby such as playing football, badminton, swimming and others. With it, it will divert your attraction from internet. Because if we spend continuously on the internet, we might get obesity. iv. Cyber crime Many students involve in internet crime and it affect them very much. They can take measures to decrease their risk of becoming the victim of cybercrime by adhering to a few simple Internet usage ways of rules. First, you must always remember to log off and shut down your computers when they are not being used. Cyber criminals often scan networks searching for â€Å"always on† computers, which they consider readily accessible and unattended targets. By minimizing the amount of time computers are powered on and connected to the Internet, people can reduce their vulnerability to hacking attacks. (Scot Huntsberry 2012) Next, Scot Huntsberry (2012) mentioned that users have to install and maintain both antivirus and firewall programs. These applications serve as a first line of defence against viruses and other malicious computer programs designed to circumvent security features within computers’ operating systems. Additionally, operating system developers regularly release updates or â€Å"patches. To increase your computer’s security, you should install these updates as soon as they become available in order to avoid cyber crime. users should never open or download email attachments from unknown senders because cyber criminals frequently disguise malicious software as images or documents attached to email messages. ( 3327 words ) Reference 1. Abhijit Naik, (2011). Facebook Addiction. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/facebook-addiction. html 2. Abdul Malik Mujahid (2011). 29 Tips for teen on how to handle Pornography. [Online]. Available: http://www. oundvision. com/info/life/porn/15tips. asp 3. Allen B. Ury, (2009). How To Do Research On The Internet. [Online]. Available: http://news. everestonline. edu/post/2009/07/research-on-the-internet 4. Ashwini Ambekar, (2008). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. articleswave. com/computer-articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-the-internet. html 5. Charlotte Raynor Piiggush, (2008). What is cyber crime. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1179046-cybercrime-internet-internet-crime-computer-crime-computer 6. Cody Hodge, (2010). Advantages Of internet Banking. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1926616-advantages-of-internet-banking 7. Deepa Kartha, (2010). Computer Addiction. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/computer-addiction. html 8. Edward James, (2010). The Advantages Of The Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1860355-the-advantages-of-the-internet 9. Kaiz Kairen, (2009). 10 Most Comman Uses Of Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. sooperarticles. com/internet-articles/10-most-common-uses-internet-19405. html 10. Jayashree pakhare, (2011). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/advantages-disadvantages-internet. html 11. Jane Demerica, (2009). Negative Effects of the Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1357121-negative-effects-of-the-internet 12. Joanna Saisan, et al. (2012). Internet and Computer Addiction. [Online]. Available: http://www. helpguide. org/mental/internet_cybersex_addiction. htm 13. Katy Linsao et. Al. (2012). How to deal with porn addiction. [Online]. Available: http://www. wikihow. com/Deal-With-Porn-Addiction 14. Leena Palande, (2011). Morbid Obesity Causes. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/morbid-obesity-causes. html 15. Elisabeth Deffner (n. d. ). The Pornography Problem. [Online]. Available: http://www. listenmagazine. org/article/37/archive/the-pornography-problem 16. Lifesitenews. com, (2002). Study Proves â€Å"Pornography Is Harmful†. [Online]. Available: http://www. lifesitenews. com/news/archive//ldn/2002/mar/02031203 17. Matt Bird, (2009). Negative effect of the Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1494952-negative-effects-of-the-internet 18. Mansi Chitranshi, (2009). Benefits of Shopping Online. [Online]. Available: http://www. articleswave. com/shopping-articles/benefits-of-shopping-online. html 19. Matt Remley, (2010). The Advantages Of The Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1938399-advantages-of-the-internet 20. M. J. Joanchim, (2010). Internet email crime and security information. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1952123-cyberstalking-email-crime-internet-crime-fraud-identity-theft-internet-crime-prevention 21. Rahul Pandita, (2011). Negative Effects of Internet on Children. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. om/articles/negative-effects-of-the-internet-on-children. html 22. Ram Gupta, (2012). Real Benefits Of Online Shopping. [Online]. Available: http://article-niche. com/launch/Real-Benefits-Of-Online-Shopping. htm 23. Scot Huntsberry, (2012). Avoid Becoming a Victim of Cybercrime. [Online]. Available: http://www. freedomfromfearmagazine. org/index. php? option=com_content;view=article;id=310:avoid-becoming-a-victim-of-cybercrime;catid=50:issue-7;Itemid=187 24. Stephen Cook, (2010). The Advantages Of The Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1941715-the-advantages-of-the-internet 5. Shashank Nakate, (2012). Advantages and Disadvantages of email. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-email. html 26. Uttara Manohar, (2011). Internet Crime. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/internet-crime. html 27. Vinci Rufus, (n. d. ). Computer And Video Games: The Pros and Cons. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. com/editorials/2-27-2004-51038. asp 28. Vibhuti Arora (2006). 10 Good things about the internet. [Online]. Available: http://gulfnews. com/life-style/people/10-good-things-about-the-internet-1. 24548 . . Benefit and Disadvantagers of Internet For them, it can enormously help their studies. According to Allen B. Ury (2011), for doing high school or college research, Internet is an essential tool. We can find valuable material on practically any subject within minutes if not seconds by skillfully using Internet search engines and subject directories. By knowing how to effectively search for and cite reputable Web sites can be an essential part of their academic success for those students who taking courses online. As mentioned by Rahul Pandita (2011), Internet has proved to be one of the most innovative inventions for us. It has made its presence felt in every sphere of our life, be it economy, society, health care, spirituality, etc. Prominent among its benefits is the impact it has had on the education sector. Rahul Pandita (2011) also said that students can now gain access to innumerable research papers, apart from getting latest updates in the field of science, technology and almost everything in conjuction of education. But as they say, â€Å"With great power comes great responsibility†, Internet has created new challenges for the society and most threatening among these is the impact it has had on student and children. Young people love to use computers rather than read a book. Web pages  are much more up-to-date than old text books that were previously used for studying, so not only is the information accurate, but it is also designed to engage  students  in a way that they find entertaining. The Internet also allows  students  to research and learn about topics that would previously be unknown to them due to lack of resources. Some schools do not  provide  every single book on a specific subject, but with the Internet, the learning possibilities are limitless, everything is just in their finger tips. The purpose of this task is to discuss about â€Å"The benefits and detrimental effects of Internet on students†. The benefits of internet to student There a few of benefits of internet toward the student : i. A tool to gain information. These days, student’s life without internet is very difficult. They do a lot of work by using the internet especially in searching for information. This is because, gaining information from internet is much more easier than those old books, it can shorten our time. Get online information is the freest way in the world. Nowadays, people need to understand more and more. They want to know the newest news. According to Jayashree Parhare (2011), any kind of information is available on the internet as long as on it is any topic under the sun is. It can be done by using the search engines such as Google, Yahoo are at your service on the internet. There is huge amount of information available on the Internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fair and conference, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is simply endless. According to Ashwini Ambekar (2008), students can use this wealth of information to learn new things about the subjects they are interested in and for their school projects or research and it is particularly relevant. In addition, this internet is a blessing for many schools and universities that are now able to accede projects and work to the students and follow their progress which is can be easily posted on the school or university websites So, since internet provides almost everything, students can use it to help them or to make their work easier on doing research or looking for any information. i. Communication. Communication is very important to a student, and internet one of the way that make student’s communication easier and faster. As a student, they need to see their lecturers, send or submit their task and assignment by hand, call someone by using cellphone which is wasting their money, time and energy. With internet has opened up new avenues for communication, acc ording to Ashwini Ambekar (2008), email facility let people to communicate with somebody with minimum wastage of time. As Matt Remley (2010) said in his article, It is now possible to send an instant message and also voice messaging to any part of the world through a simple email address and the message is delivered in a matter of seconds. According to Stephen Cook (2008), by using the Internet, there are many type of ways that people can get connected with one another. For examples, email, chat, forums, social networking sites, and real-time  video chat websites. Stephen Cook (2008) also mentioned that the Internet is truly spectacular in how it allows us to get in touch with one another which is you can easily talk to anybody on the other side of the world. With this kind of facilities, students will have more time to do other works rather than finish their time on something that can waste their time. iii. Online services. Online service is one of the greatest benefit of internet towards the student. It can make student’s life easier. There are many types of online services, for example online shopping, online banking and others. Online banking is very useful, according to Edward James (2010), you can access your account within 5 minutes, make a payment, request a cheque book. It is not only for those who doing businesses only, but also to anybody who has an account saving. Furthermore, we can set up direct debits and standing orders, cancel direct debits and standing orders, view historic statements. The list is endless. The best part of it is according to Cody Hodge (2010), when you do your banking online, you are going to skip the drive and just get a phone call after submitting a query to the bank. What sounds easier to you is we don’t have to wasting our lunch hour to go to the bank. Next, according to Ram Gupta (2012) in his article, when online shopping was introduced, shoppers feel that involving themselves in it is a risky affair and uncomfortable to reveal their personal information such as credit cards details. But today, things have change and shoppers became confident to use it and get anything under the sun after realize the benefit of it especially to students. There are a few advantages of online shopping according to Mansi Chitranshi  (2009), online services give you variety of choice and also offers us an extensive range of selection. Not only that, but it also available for 24 hours a day which lets you shop anytime, this is very meaningful to student since time is very precious to them. Last but not lease, Mansi Chitranshi (2009) also said that you can find radically lower prices and cheapest deals with online purchasing. iv. Entertainment According to Kaiz Karen (2009), on internet we can search all types of entertainment from watching films to playing games online. Almost anyone can find the right kind of entertainment for themselves according to their taste. When people surf the internet, there are numerous things that can be found on it. Start from music, hobbies, news and more can be found and shared on the Internet. The best part of it which is love by the students is there are numerous games that can be downloaded from the Internet for free without any charge at any time. As Vibhuti Arora (2006) said we can read those funny e-mails from friends or that have been provided by the internet. Not only that, but you can make all your friends around the world laugh. Even if you are not good at cracking jokes, you can simply download them from the internet and forward them to your friends. This kind of entertainment is important to a student. The detrimental effects of the Internet on students i. Web Addiction. Many students find that internet help them a lot in conjunction of helping them to make their learning easier or use it as a tool to find some information. But without noticing, they are actually wasting their time. According to Joanna, Melinda smith and Lawrence Robinson (2012) in their article, people who in unpleasant feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression, and anxiety, they will turn to the internet just to make them feel better. Joanna, et al. 2012) also stated that the Internet can be an easily accessible outlet when you have a bad day and or to quickly relieve stress or self-soothe or are looking for a way to escape your problems. Losing yourself online can temporarily make feelings such as loneliness, stress, anxiety, depression, and boredom evaporate into thin air and it will definitely drag your time. Lately, internet has provided many social networks such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Blogs and others. This kind of social networks can drag student’s time a lot because when we sign-in into it, they will get stuck on it. According to Jane Demerica (2009), many people that sign up for the internet find themselves spending endless hours chatting, surfing or â€Å"pimping out† their social networks page. This is an unhealthy addiction and you should probably force yourself to get out of the chair and walk away for a few hours. According to Abhijit Naik (2011) in his article about Facebook addiction, facebook provide new friends, games, event plans and many more. While all these activities are enjoyable, you will forget that you have an actual life to live at times you get so used to them. The time you forget about the fact and start spending your precious time on online, then neglecting yourself as well as people around you, and that mean you are now suffering from this addiction disorder without you notice it. Jane Demerica (2009) also said that, This kind of behavior will disorganize student’s life especially on their schedule. This can lead to unhealthy life for example they will late for their meals which is very important to them, they will be fibrous or not-well taken care because they are too busy with the internet. Last but not lease, as mentioned by Deepa Kartha (2010), student are going ignore their study and it can lead to poor performance at university. ii. Pornography. Jayashree Pakhare said in his article that â€Å"pornography is perhaps the biggest disadvantage of internet. It allows you to access and download millions of pornography photos, videos and other X-rated stuff. Such unrestricted access to porn can be detrimental for children and teenagers. It can even play a havoc in marital and social lives of adults especially to students† (2011). Studies have shown that almost every men and most women have been exposed to pornography as told by Lifesitenew. com (2002). According to Elisbeth Deffner (n. d. ), there were plenty of opportunities for people to view pornographic images or read pornographic material before the Internet became so prevalent which from videos, magazines, and books. But as for now, people can easily access pornographic Web sites in the privacy of their own homes. It’s part of a larger issue called â€Å"sexual addiction,† which is â€Å"any kind of sexual behavior that a person continues to engage in despite negative consequences† says Dr. Omar Minwalla, the clinical supervisor at the Sexual Recovery Institute in Los Angeles. Pornography is like drugs, once we get use to it, we will definitely get addicted by it and for sure will give many disadvantages toward the students. According to Joanna, et al. (2012), students can adversely affect real-life relationships, career, and emotional health by compulsively spending hours on the Internet viewing pornography or engaging in other cybersex activities. It could increase the percentage of misbehavior and these leads to adultery, free sex, and even worst child abandonment. As mention by Rahul Pandita (2011), it can cause them to became either sexually-deviant or sexually-addictive, these phenomenon also course the increase of prevalence sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers especially to a student. He also mentioned that the pornography that is present on the Internet promotes irresponsible sex and creates false notions in the minds of students. According to Stephen Rampur (n. d. ), Individuals who are addicted to this type are mostly teenagers and youngsters. It can have an adverse effect on a child’s attitude towards relationships. People who are addicted to online pornography spend hours watching or downloading porn. iii. Reduced Physical Activity According to Rahul Pandita (2011), since internet provides a lot of games and available to play, it has made most student to shut all outdoor activity. If students are lack of physical activity, they can easily fall prey to a lot of lifestyle related diseases for example obesity, apart from failing to develop interpersonal skills. Rahul Pandita (2011) also mentioned that by sitting continuously in front of a computer screen fot couple of hours can seriously and put a strain on our neck and shoulders and damage our eyes. These factors can create life-long problems for them. As Leena Palande (2011) said, when students are busy with the internet, they will definitely lack of exercise and it is the main morbid obesity causes. student spend most of their time in front of the the computer playing video games or computer games and chat day and night, surfing on the Internet which can lead to possibility of gaining weight. Leena Palande (2011) also mentioned, not only student, Even adults also have to spend most of their time in front of a computer, since computers have become an invariable part of every profession, business, organization and education. Use of machines in every field has reduced physical activity significantly. According to Vinci rufus (n. d. ), students are tent to spend a couple of hours in front of the monitor non-stop and not going out could also cause social problems, the most bad part of it,it will make us shy and introvert. Those who stuck to their machines all day aren’t getting any exercise. As such their bodies start to be fail, especially when they opt for quick-fix meals that aren’t terribly nutritious. This extends to personal hygiene, as well, as we tend not to notice our own stink, said by Matt Bird (2009). v. Cyber-crime Cyber or internet crime can affect students’ life. There has never been a set in stone definition of cybercrime. According to Charlotte Raynor Piiggush (2008), the easiest way to difine cybercrime is any illegal activity done through or by using the internet or on the computer. Uttara Manohar (2011) also defined in his article that internet crime is a recently es calating form of crime that started with the rise of the Internet era. Any criminal activities, which is carried out through the Internet or by means of the Internet, is generally termed as Internet crime. According to Uttara Manohar (2011), there are a few types of internet crime. Here is the example of the criminal activity that indirectly can make students life chaotic. First is hacking, hacking is a process where someone attempts to exploit the security settings of a computer system is known as hacking. The hackers can hack into several websites or personal accounts and threaten the security on the Internet. Every day, students are expose to it, email to a student is a must. Sometimes, by using email is one of the way of hacking. According to M. J. Joachim (2010), Hackers use email addresses to change computer codes, often sending out messages with attachments that read and detect personal information, this always happen to students when are transferring things like bank account numbers, passwords and all sorts of personal information that they use for their own purposes. It is not uncommon for hackers to change passwords of their victim’s private Internet accountssuch as facebook account, email and others, making it impossible for victims to access their own information, simply by obtaining an email address from their prey. Another cyber crime is viruses. As mentioned by Shashank Nakate (2012), These are computer programs which have the potential to harm and give damage to a computer system. According to M. J. Joachim (2010) also said viruses cause millions of dollars in damage, lost data and computer contamination each year. A simple email address is all it takes for savvy cyber criminals to implant dangerous viruses and spread them throughout the Internet. Suggestion Eventhough internet gives us a lot of pleasure and make our life easier, but there will always the side effect of it. If we did not monitor it properly and carefully, it will definitely make us suffer one day and then give damages to our life especially to a student. Since students is one of the biggest user of internet, they are the person who easily receive the impact. Thus, it is very important to them to know how to cope and avoid these problem. Here is some suggestion on how to combat it. i. Internet addiction One of the biggest problem of internet is web addiction. Internet can drag our time unnoticeable. As mentioned by Elizabeth Hartney (2011), one of the way is by knowing the symptoms of Internet addiction. Knowledge is the greatest thing, and knowing all the symptoms of internet addiction will make you to evaluate your own online behavior and be aware of any symptoms that might be dragging your time. Elizabeth Hartney (2011) also emphasize to monitor your own internet usage and behavior. keep track of your internet behavior with my internet tracking form. Use the guidelines that come with it to evaluate your own internet behavior, not what you see or believe other students are doing. Drea Christopher (2010) propose to learn to limit your time carefully by keeping a timer by the computer and only allow yourself a limited amount of hours to spend on the Internet each day or week. ii. Pornography Since porn becoming more easily available through the Internet, some people may struggle with an addiction to it. So, it is very important to student to avoid it because if they continue with it, it will ruin their physical and also health. According to Katy Linsao, et al (2012) there are a few step on how to avoid it. First, make sure that you know that you are an addict. Then, find something else to do to occupy your time and mind, it is because you will not think about porn. You can manage it by going somewhere or spend time with friends. Katy et. Al. (2012) also mentioned, the best part of it is by find a support group or get qualified therapist who can provide guidance. According to Abdul Malik (2011), make sure that you are surfing web when others are around. iii. Reduced Physical Activity Since students relay so much on internet, they are tent to spend a lot of time with. Without noticing that they are actually wasting their time. But, the bad part of it is it can affect student physical problems or health. So it is very important to them to avoid it so because prevent is better that cure. There are many ways to overcome it. First, get yourself busy with other activties rather than finish your time on the internet, such as going for a movie with your friend, sports and others. Socializing is very important. The most important of it is, get some exercise to make yourself fit or get sweet. You also can have a hobby such as playing football, badminton, swimming and others. With it, it will divert your attraction from internet. Because if we spend continuously on the internet, we might get obesity. iv. Cyber crime Many students involve in internet crime and it affect them very much. They can take measures to decrease their risk of becoming the victim of cybercrime by adhering to a few simple Internet usage ways of rules. First, you must always remember to log off and shut down your computers when they are not being used. Cyber criminals often scan networks searching for â€Å"always on† computers, which they consider readily accessible and unattended targets. By minimizing the amount of time computers are powered on and connected to the Internet, people can reduce their vulnerability to hacking attacks. (Scot Huntsberry 2012) Next, Scot Huntsberry (2012) mentioned that users have to install and maintain both antivirus and firewall programs. These applications serve as a first line of defence against viruses and other malicious computer programs designed to circumvent security features within computers’ operating systems. Additionally, operating system developers regularly release updates or â€Å"patches. To increase your computer’s security, you should install these updates as soon as they become available in order to avoid cyber crime. users should never open or download email attachments from unknown senders because cyber criminals frequently disguise malicious software as images or documents attached to email messages. ( 3327 words ) Reference 1. Abhijit Naik, (2011). Facebook Addiction. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/facebook-addiction. html 2. Abdul Malik Mujahid (2011). 29 Tips for teen on how to handle Pornography. [Online]. Available: http://www. oundvision. com/info/life/porn/15tips. asp 3. Allen B. Ury, (2009). How To Do Research On The Internet. [Online]. Available: http://news. everestonline. edu/post/2009/07/research-on-the-internet 4. Ashwini Ambekar, (2008). Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. articleswave. com/computer-articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-the-internet. html 5. Charlotte Raynor Piiggush, (2008). What is cyber crime. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1179046-cybercrime-internet-internet-crime-computer-crime-computer 6. Cody Hodge, (2010). Advantages Of internet Banking. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1926616-advantages-of-internet-banking 7. Deepa Kartha, (2010). Computer Addiction. [Online]. 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Internet email crime and security information. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1952123-cyberstalking-email-crime-internet-crime-fraud-identity-theft-internet-crime-prevention 21. Rahul Pandita, (2011). Negative Effects of Internet on Children. [Online]. Available: http://www. buzzle. om/articles/negative-effects-of-the-internet-on-children. html 22. Ram Gupta, (2012). Real Benefits Of Online Shopping. [Online]. Available: http://article-niche. com/launch/Real-Benefits-Of-Online-Shopping. htm 23. Scot Huntsberry, (2012). Avoid Becoming a Victim of Cybercrime. [Online]. Available: http://www. freedomfromfearmagazine. org/index. php? option=com_content;view=article;id=310:avoid-becoming-a-victim-of-cybercrime;catid=50:issue-7;Itemid=187 24. Stephen Cook, (2010). The Advantages Of The Internet. [Online]. Available: http://www. helium. com/items/1941715-the-advantages-of-the-internet 5. Shashank Nakate, (2012). Advantages and Disadvantages of email. [Online]. 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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Countries with low birthrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Countries with low birthrates - Essay Example This report aims to highlight the changes in Italy and Germany’s population structure and the population policies I’d implement to achieve future sustainable growth levels. Italy’s population is expected to significantly decline from its current level of 61 million to around 55 million by 2050 (CIA, 2011). Italy’s current population growth rate stands at 0.42%. This will result in an aging population as life expectancy increases (currently 81 years) and birth rates fall (currently 9.18 births per 1000 of the population). Italy’s total fertility rate at 1.39 children per woman is also below the replacement level of 2.1. Only 13.8% of Italy’s population is under the age of 14, compared with 20.3% of its population who are over 65. Germany’s population has also started to decline by -0.208% from 82.5 million in 2004 to 81.47 million in 2011 (CIA, 2011). There are currently 8.3 births per 1,000 of the population and an average fertility ra te of 1.41 children. Germany also has a great population imbalance in which 13.3% of the population are under the age of 14, whilst 20.6% of the population is over 65.